Didn't you know this? You didn't?
Well, just listen to California Congressman Pete Stark, when he was speaking on June 26, 2010, at his Town Hall meeting in Fremont, California.
Don't give up too soon. At 1:50 on the video clip he says, "Our borders are quite secure."
That guy is out of touch with reality! He does not deserve to be a Congressman! He said, "We still have for agriculture the Bracero Program". That program started in 1942 and ended in 1964! He believes the program still exists and asks why it cannot be extended. Well, duh... it ended 45 years ago! I guess that's one good reason.
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
8 hours ago
I always appreciate some original thinking on these little comments sections, mainly because most of the comments are just regurgitated vitriol. But, you are correct in that we have a serious border problem which not only leeches from our national economy, but also creates an increase in crime. However, let me state up front that many of those illegal workers are working for far less than minimum wage per day performing many of the service jobs which America's own "ne-er do wells" refuse to do. Those people have been the primary drain on our state and federal's assistance programs, because most of them want to feed out of any trough which the government has to offer, without ever taking advantage of the 30-some-year-old federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) which has been funding retraining for many different types of displaced professional and blue collar workers for quite some time now. During my employment with Michigan Works! I worked with these people. The biggest difference between Mexico's illegal workers and our lazy welfare rats is that the illegals are willing to work for low wages and the welfare rats aren't willing to work for ANY amount of money which is equal to their past employment history or years of training, mainly because they have no work background or post secondary training. Michigan's "No Worker Left Behind Program" has (finally!) cut off the leeches. But we still need to do something about the illegal work force from Mexico. Obama doesn't care about the border problem, but rather his political future and the social and fiscal liberal votes. We should allow them to be hired as "guest workers," but then send them back to Mexico, where there is no "welfare system," but rather the "no work, no food" system. I know many good hard-working Hispanics who hate the American leeches who feed off their minimum wage labor. Frankly, I can't say that I blame them. Maybe we should send our welfare rats to Mexico in exchange for their illegal immigrants who want to work. Let's not take any drug dealers, though, since the last thing this country needs is more "pharmaceutical representatives!" LOL
Sometimes I think that people are pissed at welfare because they don't do too much better working their jobs?
Maybe we should establish that if you work (for anyone) you get a set of benefits, and if you are on welfare that you get a lesser set.
Would that fix it?
I recall a sign on an office wall in Chicago in 1966, which read "We have a time-proven incentive program here. Those who work, get to keep their jobs."
Not sure that's true any more.
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