You won't find any line at the Woodstock Post Office today, if you go there to make a photocopy of some important document before mailing it.
The photocopy machine in the lobby has been broken for weeks. Don't you wonder why it hasn't been repaired or removed?
There is probably some kind of fancy contract that requires the Post Office to maintain this equipment in the lobby, whether or not it works. But doesn't that same contract require the vendor, assuming that it is leased and not owned by the USPS, to maintain it in working condition?
As I recall, the price per copy was $0.25, which probably kept some people away from it.
Need to make photocopies in Woodstock? Go to Office Depot (by the DMV and Aldi) for $0.09/copy (take your credit or debit card in with you) or to the library ($0.10/copy).
Or Copy Express on Calhoun (.10/copy) including great service!
kastone66, many thanks. It's good to know that there is photocopy service at Copy Express. And great service, too.
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