Sunday, January 4, 2009

Foreclosure Sales - Feb. 5

Looking for some downtown real estate?

108-110 Washington Street (right). The judgement amount is $329,453.15. Any takers? Contact Harris Bank.

220 North Benton Street (below). $665,301.63. Interested? Call Harris Bank.

I've heard that properties on the Square are over-priced. How can an investor ever make money, or even break even, with debt loads like these? Obviously, they didn't.
Perhaps market correction is really taking place, and people will begin paying only reasonable prices for real property and then stop expecting inflation to make them wealthy.
And perhaps landlords on the Square will begin edging toward reasonable rent rates that give a tenant some slight additional edge on being able to stay in business and continue to pay rent. When a store-front sits empty for months, everyone is hurt - the business that left; the landlord, the City, the community.

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