Unfortunately, it looks like there will NOT be two other debates. The Northwest Herald isn't planning one, and the League of Women Voters hasn't planned one.
Today I shall send email messages to both Republican candidates for Sheriff of McHenry County, asking them to name three organizations they would agree to appear before for a debate.
You know, kind of like Judge Meyer did, when he was trying to get parties in FirstElectricNewspaper.com's FOIA-denial case against the McHenry County Sheriff's Department to select legal representation. Judge Meyer got tired of the run-around, and he asked Nygren and Leist to give him names of three lawyers they'd accept for their defense. Nygren and Leist didn't think they'd get a vigorous defense from the State's Attorney Office (SAO). (Gee, why would they think that? Just because their position was indefensible, did they think the SAO would go out on a limb for them?)
So here's the deal, Andy and Bill. Reply to my email. Give me the names of three organizations you'd agree to stand before.
Maybe the Northwest Herald, as the County's leading daily newspaper (the only daily newspaper?) will stand up here and announce a debate. Maybe they'd get somebody like Robert Herguth from the Better Government Association for moderator. There's my first choice!!!
If you want a debate, call the Northwest Herald and leave a message for Jason Schaumburg. Dial 815.459.4040
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