See the Associated Press (AP) article yesterday about Carol Moseley Braun? OK, don't start laughing too hard yet. You'll want to have some breath left, after you hear the latest.
Illinois - Land of Gimme.
Remember Braun from her one-term stand in the U.S. Senate? The U.S. Senate! The governing body of 100 (only 100!) to make critical (and sometimes other-than-critical) decisions affecting the United States. And she was one of them! And voters tossed her out after one term, as should be done to many others.
And now? On April 15 an important report was due at the Illinois State Board of Elections. It got filed on time - sort of like filing your Federal Income Tax return "on time", even if it incomplete or incorrect. And then the person filing it bailed out, one would conclude after reading the AP article.
There seems to be a "little" question about how $315,000 got spent by her campaign for queen (errrr, mayor) of Chicago.
What did David Morrison, deputy director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, have to say about Braun's report? "I have not seen an example worse than this of a committee with this kind of money."
Supposedly, the State Board of Elections has mailed two letters to her, including a Certified Mail letter on August 12 that got signed for. OK, this is October. The Board show go to court and ask a judge to order Braun to produce. Or else!
With Braun, the Board had better not be looking just for compliance. How about fines and a ban on seeking office?
Where did the $315,000 go? Can't wait to find out.
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
3 hours ago
I remember years and years ago when her nickname was "Carol Mostly Fraud". Some things never change.
"They smile in your face - all the time, the wanna take your place - the Back-Stabbers! Baa-ackstabbers! See the "O-Jay's".
I know and have met "Mostly-Fraud". She is so self-impresse4d and involved, she can be NOTHING but a smiling backstabber! In her defense, she would not ordinarily back stab unless she's trying to save her own ass - such ass-saving as she CONSTANTLY requires.
If you even care, read this Sun-Times Carol Marin Column:
Billie Paige, the woman Mostly-Fraud throws under the bus, is as an unimpeachable a witness as is Dawn Clark Netsch.
Read and weep! Weep only if you think Mostly-Fraud is somehow in any way deserving of any respect whatsoever.
If so, you weep for a fool, a fraud and a sex-besotted coward.
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