Tonigan billings on Bianchi investigation:
$34,234 September-December 2009
$74.206.69 January-June 2010
Of course, there is still July, August and September work to be billed.
The McHenry County Board authorized $100,000 from "emergency funds" for the work of a "special prosecutor" in the Bianchi case.
What "emergency"? I haven't heard the newspapers (or, more importantly, the public) asking just what exact "emergency" existed.
Frankly, I am sick and tired of government (or anyone else) claiming "emergency", when none exists.
Will Tonigan get paid any amount of $100,000? He shouldn't. Did he go back to the Board at the end of June and tell them he had blown through the $100K? Did he work during the past three months without any expectation of compensation for expenses or time?
A fifth-grader could see through many of the charges levied against Lou Bianchi.
Should Bianchi step aside while his case takes five years to wind through the court system?
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
5 hours ago
I would agree with you if it had not been for the Dalby prosecution. That is the real problem here. Dalby was charged with multiple felonies. Either Dalby or Bianchi were lying about whether political documents were being done in that office by secretaries.
To me personally, I could care less if a few word docs or excel spreadsheets crossed the line.
The problem is if these former FBI agents found what it appears they did than it looks like our States Attorney was lying to us all about felony charges against that young woman.
That can not be acceptable, period.
I was surprised at all the felonies against Dalby and how they all got dumped so quickly for a misdemeanor plea. I can understand not indebting yourself for 50 years for legal fees, although I don't like "bargaining" just to get rid of charges.
There are many loose ends in the whole deal around the files and office work on political campaigns, if that happened. For example, the missing flash drive that got "lost" after Cooper was supposed to turn it over to an ISP investigator. Somebody ought to go to jail over that one! The ISP investigator never should have let him out of sight before getting the flash drive.
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