A reader this morning alerted me to T.R. (Tom) Kerth's column in today's Neighbors section of the Northwest Herald. Kerth's column, The Whole Nine Yards, appears on page 24, the Sun City section.
The gist of Kerth's column? Texas Gov. Rick Perry had blasted a coyote into oblivion one day while out jogging with his dog. The coyote was apparently eye-balling the Gov's dog and thinking it might be the main course of its next meal, but Gov. Perry had other ideas. So he took aim (literally), and that coyote won't bother anyone else's dog.
I don't know if I could have written 15 column-inches of copy about a coyote's meeting its maker, but maybe I could have.
Laws work a little differently in Texas. If you defend yourself (or your animal) against a vicious threat, you don't get charged with a felony and convicted in court. In fact, a Texas Department of Public Safety mouthpiece didn't even think the Gov needed to file a report.
Contrast that with the McHenry County Sheriff's Department and the State's Attorney's Office. If you defend yourself, not even just your own pet, from a vicious, trained, attack animal who is in your own yard, you will definitely get charged with a felony and, if you are unlucky to have the wrong jury or an attorney who fights a grease fire with water, then you are going to lose your right to own firearms and have a helluva time finding work.
And it could be that Tom Kerth has never seen a snake in Texas. They grow them big down there. I suspect that the Gov wasn't worried about a coyote going the other way or a snake off on the hilltop "over yonder." It's the one in the bushes, ready to attack. And no, you're not going to outrun the coyote or the snake that's close enough to strike.
Folks view guns differently in Texas. And in Arizona and in New Mexico. And, in fact, in most states.
And folks certainly view guns "differently" in Illinois, where it's okay for the Mayor of Chicago to pack heat and Aldermen to get themselves considered peace officers, so that they too can carry concealed weapons. But law-abiding citizens cannot carry concealed.
You know, maybe Aldermen are peace officers. Or piece officers. Gimme a piece of dis, and gimme a piece of dat.
Wednesday Cartoon
2 hours ago
Its the "Chicago Way" ...the "Machine" thats been running Chicago and the State for well over one hundred years. The cure....kick them out of office and keep them from coming back.Get some common sence people in and things will change.That would go a long way to getting rid of Illinois' number one problem ...CORRUPTION!!!
great comments
Gun Control in Texas is hittinig what you aim at.
Chicago Aldermen carry conceald weapons.
even if you are a convicted Felon.
and some aldermen are!
but then that's Chicago
I was t boned at a four way stop lady to the left of me went then I went straight and the truck that was behind the car hit my passenger side they marked her as unit one and me unit 2 but shouldn't she have a ticket failure to yeild ????
The driver of the truck that hit your car should have been Unit 1. The other woman should have been Unit 3 or maybe just listed as a witness. Was the truck behind her? How did it hit your passenger side? Or are you in the U.K.?
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