Green Party gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney will be in Woodstock on Friday morning, May 21. Rich and party arrive at the Woodstock Metra station at 9:01AM from Barrington and their plan is to bicycle to Other World Computing. You know where that is; right? Just look for the wind turbine. How's that for "going Green"?
If you'd like to meet Rich, be at the Metra station at 9. And, if you are really adventurous, be there on your bike! (For a better look at Rich, click on the image; then click on the Back button on your browser to come back here.)
Scott Summers, Green Party candidate for Illinois Treasurer, will be here, too.
I've already warned them about biking on U.S. 14 from Lake Avenue to Lake Shore Drive. I know there are some folks in McHenry County desperate to preserve the two-party system in Illinois, but let's hope they won't be on U.S. 14 with their extra-wide monster trucks on Friday morning.
The weather forecast for Friday morning is great. See you at the depot at 9AM Friday.
1 comment:
No one cares about the Green Party. I wish you would have realized that before you filed your petitions. The only viable third option candidates are INDEPENDENTS.
You really doomed yourself by choosing this route. I guess you're making a statement.
I read some Mahon material and researchd his background. He has a lot of years working in law enforcement. You can't beat him.
I pray between the two of you someone pulls enough votes to get rid of the tyrant. I think it's a uphill battle since the forces of good are going to cancel each other out.
Mahon will get the Dems. and probably most of the educated independents vote. Disgruntled Republicans will probably go Mahons way because he has been seen at pro-life events and he is a 2nd Amendment supporter. You will get the Green and a portion of the independent who hate Nygren and don't like Dems. Combined the two of you will get more votes than Nygren but in the end a three way race only helps the tyrant.
I guess we can hope the continuing scandals engulf the Sheriff and he resigns. We'll see. I'm not hopefully for change in this county. The bullet keeps missing the King of the County. It's good he has been challenged this election year. We just have one too many choices as opposed to all those years with no choice.
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