I wasn't in court today for the Grafton Township "show", but Cal Skinner wrote today that he had trouble hearing the attorneys who were mumbling up front and close to Judge Caldwell. You can read Cal's comments on http://www.mchenrycountyblog.com/
I feel for you, Cal.
For three-four years I have been complaining to the judges in the McHenry County Circuit Court that the voices of attorneys and witnesses, and sometimes of the judges, cannot be heard in open court.
I was checking out ear trumpets on eBay.com today and laughed out loud when I came across an antique ear trumpet.
What do you think, Cal? Bidding is at $85 with two days to go. Want to go halves? Think we could get it past the security guards?
Certainly would make a statement!
Oh Gussy~ You tend to regurgitate a lot of things written by other people, AND IT'S GETTING WORSE. "Cal said this, McHenry County Blog reported that, the Northwest Herald wrote this!" Are you getting old and starting to lose it there Gussy?
May I ask when you are going to start developing your own stories? It gets real old to log onto your blog just to read about what a diffrent blog or media outlet is writing! No wonder none of these places recognize you as a media source when you try to FOIA information.
Well, Frankie, I'm so glad you keep reading and writing.
Did you know that it's not only media that can submit FOIA Requests? It's common folks, just plain, ol', ordinary citizens.
The purpose of FOIA is to pry information out of government that it doesn't want to release.
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