Wednesday, May 14, 2008

OK to Block Road?

This morning this City Public Works truck (#47) was blocking the westbound lane on McConnell Road, just east of Greenview Drive, at The Ponds of Bull Valley. The truck and large utility trailer were parked squarely in the traffic lane. There is no shoulder there.

The reason? City employees were mowing the grass in the parkway and the huge open area on the northwest corner.

What would have been better? The truck and trailer could have easily been parked on Greenview Drive, not in the roadway on McConnell Road. There is considerably less traffic on Greenview, and it should be moving at a much slower speed.

I also wondered why City workers were mowing this large expanse of grass. Did The Ponds deed that grass to the City? Will there be a City Park there in the future? Should the City have ducked if and when The Ponds offered it to the City, in view of the cost of maintaining it?


Anonymous said...

How do you know this is parked? I can see the running lights are on. Are you sure there was no driver in the seat? Get more info before ranting about it on here!

La tee da said...

I live in this subdivision. It's a City owned park stupid. Do you think they are mowing it because they have nothing better to do? And you asked if there will be a City park there in the future? Open your eyes stupid there is a park there.

La tee da said...

And why should the City have avoided it because it costs money to maintain it? City owned property brings in revenue for a City. It's just like when someone owns a bunch of properties. Sure there's maintenance, but it's also an investment that makes money.

Gus said...

Huh? "City owned property brings in revenue for a City." You mean a park brings in revenue? Just how is it an "investment that makes money"?

La tee da said...

Parks increase property values around the park. Dummy

Anonymous said...

What can you expect from someone who spews half assed drivel? not everythin clicks in his head.

La tee da said...

If it wasn't for your comments Mr. Butt Pirate, I probably wouldn't read his blog. You post some funny stuff. Keep up the good work. Actually I consider this your blog now. You own Gus. er Frank. Why does he call himself Gus?

Anonymous said...

He calls himself Gus because he hates the name Frank. Maybe he made so many enemies using Frank and now tries to live under a new alias.

Gus said...

An Open Letter to the Public Works Division of the City of Woodstock:

"Will you please let me know when a large City Park sign will be installed along McConnell Road, west of Greenview Drive, to inform all passersby that the open space grass and park is a City of Woodstock park, open to all, and not a private open-space park belonging to the residents of The Ponds of Bull Valley?"

La tee da said...

The City doesn't need a sign for that!!! There are no "private" parks except for the swingset in my backyard.

La tee da said...

Atleast you admitted you were wrong. Kind of.

Anonymous said...

He never likes to admit he is wrong. Im still waiting for him to find a vehicle code he was so fond of. Where is it Frank?

La tee da said...

It's okay to be wrong. Kind of like when your Mom gave birth to you g.p. What was she thinking?

Gus said...

The McConnell Road Park appears to be a private park, because there are no signs. Because of the tone of your postings, I have requested the City to place signs there without undue delay, informing all that it is a public park, open to all. I hope you enjoy the new park users. So now you know that what goes around, comes around. Your neighbors can thank you for calling attention to the park's being a public park that can be used by all.

Anonymous said...

Like its really going to be a problem? Its hilarious how you think you are able to slam people but in reality nothing will happen.

La tee da said...

And it's funny that you believed me when i said i live in that subdivision! I live in the same buiding as you silly. Hahaha. I don't think i've ever even been in that subdivision.