Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Cheap Shot?

Sunday's editorial page in the Northwest Herald carried a cheap shot at the veteran who is under fire in Island Lake for wearing a military warzone-oriented t-shirt to an Island Lake government meeting last week and for calling attention to one of the Trustees who was apparently making faces at him or another member of the audience. The Trustee filed a Disorderly Conduct charge against the veteran, alleging that he "pointed" his finger at her and moved his thumb (like he was cocking a pistol).

There was a photo of the t-shirt in the Chicago Tribune. As I recall, the picture was of a soldier aiming a rifle and the words "DON'T MOVE. IF YOU RUN, YOU WILL ONLY DIE TIRED!" The photo here is of Greg Kachka, from the eBay website at which a t-shirt can be purchased (fundraiser for defense).

Northwest Herald General Manager and Executive Editor Chris Krug wrote as part of his "Views" editorial on Page 2A today: "... you might want to limit the places where you wear a shirt like that to avoid the kind of criticism that follows people who suggest that killing someone is in the realm of possibilities."

Is the inference here that Greg Kachka was suggesting the killing of the Trustee? Talk about blowing things out of proportion!!!

Mr. Krug continues, "... if you do find yourself out in a shirt like this, do your best not to make repeated hand gestures simulating the pulling of a trigger." Wow! I could hardly believe my eyes!

I'll remember this the next time I am robbed at gunpoint. (I remember the last time like it was yesterday, but it was 1974.) I'll just point my finger at the robber and say, "Bang! You're dead." Yeah, sure...

Well, I will find myself out in public with a "shirt like this", because I'll be purchasing one to help raise money for Greg Kachka's defense. And I'll be at the Island Lake Board meeting on Thursday night, with camera, ready to photograph the Trustee if she makes faces at the audience. I hope the room is full of men and women wearing these t-shirts!

I'll probably wear mittens that night, so that the Trustee in question won't be "alarmed and disturbed" and be in fear for her life, if she happens to see one of my fingers. I hope my nose doesn't itch! Maybe I'll want to ask a question. Then I'll have to raise my finger - - err, hand...


1 comment:

La tee da said...

Mittens on your hand and bag over your head please.