And one more week has passed, with no apparent interest or further investigation into the disappearance of Beth Bentley. Beth was 41 when she disappeared sometime between May 20-23, 2010 and someplace between Woodstock, Illinois, and Mount Vernon, Illinois.
Beth has not been heard from or seen since her friend, co-worker and traveling companion of the week-end, Jennifer Wyatt, says she dropped Beth off in Centralia, Illinois, near the Amtrak station. Not to take a train, either, according to Jenn on June 10, 2010, when she called me.
This is "just" a missing person case, according to the initial story from the Woodstock (Ill.) Police Department. That classification has never changed. Not one person has been named a person-of-interest or a suspect in Beth's disappearance.
The police have said that her phone and credit cards have not been used since she disappeared. But a rumor persists that Beth's cell phone "pinged" in McHenry County late on Sunday, May 23, 2010. And another rumor persists the McHenry law office of her husband, Scott Bentley, where Beth was office manager and legal secretary, was broken into and computer files removed that night. Is it a coincidence that both of these rumors are founded in Sunday night? The McHenry Police Department responds to a FOIA request that it has no report of a break-in at Scott's office. Did one of Beth's older sons really sleep at the office for a few nights, in case the burglar returned?
Police have never released information about telephone and credit card usage on that week-end immediately prior to her disappearance. If her disappearance is marked from the last time that she was reportedly seen by friend Jennifer, then Beth was last seen between 5:30-6:00PM on Sunday, May 23, 2010, in Centralia.
Has a critical analysis been made of her cell phone records for the weeks before and her credit card usage in Mount Vernon before and on that week-end?
If this is really "just" a missing person case, why is it that no details have been released?
Last summer I contemplated setting up a command center in a storefront on the Woodstock Square. When no interest or support surfaced, I put the idea on the shelf. After all, I didn't even know her. But plenty of people around here did know her.
When is the last time you saw a Missing Person poster for Beth or heard anyone ask if there was anything new in her case?
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1 hour ago
How much effort is expected of law enforcement when family (husband) and "friends" have shown no alarm, or any concern for this missing woman?
It was easy for this case to turn cold. All this case had were strangers to Beth, willing to help and strike while the iron was hot, and people close to, or "friends" with, discouraging any and all help. I use the word discouraging to be kind. You, Gus, understand the type of cyber attacks associated with these "friends" and the lunatic fringe they embrace.
My question is why?
Why, early on, was searching for Beth discouraged?
Why are there attacks on people that feel this case should be looked at as a crime and not a missing person case?
It seems to me, more effort goes into "discouraging" anyone asking legitimate questions, or offering an opinion.
You hit the nail right on the head, Karen! Maybe the police should be investigating all those who have attacked those strangers who seek justice and who believe that a crime has been committed. The longer Beth is missing, the surer I am that she didn't just walk away from her family, job, life, cell phone.
For those who think she went into Witness Protection, I'd urge a minute analysis of all her relationships, with family and with others. And create timelines for all those in her life, before and after she vanished.
Was she using drugs? Clamp down on the fellow users and the suppliers.
Track all the money that passed through her hands - both at the office and elsewhere. Where did Beth get the funds to provide support to Jenn? Those should have all been after-tax expenditures. What was Beth's income from the law office? Were those "gifts" actually taxable compensation to Jenn for work at the law office? Were taxes withheld and remitted?
If she gave the money to Jenn, did Beth file any required Federal or Illinois Gift Tax Returns?
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