Monday, April 5, 2010

Party 4/9 for Lowery

There will be a good place not to be on the night of Friday, April 9. You will not want to be on the roads anywhere near Donley's Old West Steakhouse in Union.

Former McHenry County Undersheriff and new Crystal Lake P.D. Deputy Chief Gene Lowery will be feted by the PB&PA (Police Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois McHenry County Sheriff's Lodge #192).

Its members are not known to be tea-totalers. Will there be some partiers who will leave and drive under the influence? Does the sun set in the West? I'm reminded of the infamous phrase: "Officer, I had to drive. I was in no condition to walk."

These are the men and women who supposed to keep our roads safe. They are the ones who are supposed to arrest drunk drivers. And a number of them have a widely-known reputation for driving while drunk. I mean, how else do you get home from the Red Mill or Washington Street Station or the Elks Club?

Let's hope that anyone, including all command officers, who shouldn't be driving will be physically prevented from getting behind the wheel. Make that person leave his car in the parking lot and let him (or her) get a ride back after he sobers up.

I've already learned that it doesn't do any good to call the Illlinois State Police and request a sobriety check-point near a big drinking party of the PB&PA. The way they handle it is to call the sheriff and tell him that I called to request the checkpoint.

I continue to wonder why the PB&PA is allowed to operate out of the Sheriff's Department, using taxpayer-funded desks, telephones, computers and, most importantly, time!

This is one of the things that will change on December 1.


QuitWhiningAlready said...

You are way out of line on this one, Gus. Way out of line.

Toa said...

I agree. With your vast knowledge of everyone's business and your near total lack of scruples in dragging any and all through the mud by rumor and innuendo, I double dog dare you to name one member of EITHER the FOP lodge (your buddies) or the PB&PA who have gotten a pass, who have been arrested for DUI, or SHOULD HAVE (in your opinion) been arrested. You listen to little birdies who want to stir the pot or else to the voices in your head. Go ahead, give us some facts here or just shut the...

You are a sad, sad senile old man.

If you want some fun, do one of your investigations and see how the FOP Lodge and their fund raisers scam the public for money to go to "buying, feeding police dogs for the sheriff's office" or "buying bullet proof vests for the deputies." See if you can find ANY money so spent by the SO's FOP lodge - those records are public and no doubt you know how to get them. You won't find any money spent. Then look at the expenses for "Insurance" and see where the money goes. To the "Boy's Club" favoring a select few of the FOP's prima donnas. Then see if you can figure out how an individual who has NEVER, EVER worked for the MCSO could be a member of MCSO's FOP Lodge and get insurance bennies. Go ahead.

Notawannabee said...

Where do you get off condemning an entire police group based upon your perverted sources of information? ( Zane and his band of buddies) I have attended many PB&PA functions and have yet to see anyone drive away impaired. You listen to and believe BS information.

Just because people socialize in establishments where alcohol is served, does not mean they get drunk. Many, including myself don't drink any alcohol yet still attend.

Just like any other organization celebrating a persons life’s work, they recognize someone accomplishments. There is nothing evil or dishonest about clean fellowship.

I agree 100% with QuitWhiningAlready, and must add that you’re really a very sad piece of work.

Gus said...

Friends don't let friends drive drunk. You've heard that one, right?

A long time before I met Zane, deputies were calling me about the monthly parties.

The internal discipline for alcohol-related infractions has never reached the public. Ex., after events at the Red Mill and Coleman's in Woodstock. Whether PB&PA functions or just deputies gathering and drinking to excess, these are people sworn to protect and serve.

Set up a breathalyzer and let all self-test as they leave. No pass? No drive.

Zane said...

WOW!! Bob and Zane may be heading into a hostile work environment upon their return to the Sheriff's Department.

Warn Kathy Seith that she may get really busy soon.

Drink up boys. Fun time is just about over.

Zane said...

On a different note.

I hear Woods is going to be out for quite a while with his "road rash" injury.

Also, Crystal Lake and Macomb are hiring.

Some of you might want to think about resigning or heading back where you came from before the "big cheese" finds out what you've been keeping from him.


Did you think you wouldn't be found out?

Did you think you could hide it?

You may want to check out how Macomb P.D. does things. Maybe you can blame it on that.


How many arms do you need to answer a phone and smoke a cigarette?

It's not like he has "road rash" or something.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, you are gonna piss off enough people that they're gonna vote FOR Dirty Keith in Nov.
My advise: quit drumming up stories and shut your pie-hole. Doh.

Justin said...

Gus what are you smoking? This dinner is attended by people from all walks of life. Police Chiefs and Administrators. County Board, State Elected Officials and friends and family. Oh yes and there will be people he worked with at the MCSO.

In your distorted view of local events it must appear sinful that you did not receive a personalized invitation. I guess one of the malcontents sent you a copy of the flyer.

Gus said...

Let's just hope that all drink responsibly and that, if someone doesn't, then his friends will step in and take away his car keys.

I didn't expect an invitation and was glad not to receive one. There are many other ways to spend $40.

Malcontents? I don't know any malcontents.

Unknown said...

Gus - you make it sound like everyone who works for the MCSO is somehow dishonest or irresponsible or a drunk. I finding it hard to imagine how this attitude is going to improve morale or gain you any votes from the folks who work for the MCSO every day. I'd sure like to see some positive comments on this blog about the majority of MCSO personnel. Every community needs a gadfly to keep things interesting and point out the true and the wrong. But in this case, what you've offered is not entirely true and is just wrong-headed. If you are a serious candidate for the Sheriff's office, I need to hear some serious positions from you and a bit more substance and statesmanship in your observations. In short, you need to sound like you know what your are talking about to be a really credible candidate. But perhaps that is why you are a "Green" candidate - meaning you really have no idea what a Sheriff's department is all about, and you are literally and figuratively "green". I'm thinking you are not a credible candidate if you continue to post these scattergun allegations without anything substantial to support them. Use this bully pulpit to be something more than a bully.

Gus said...

Thanks for your comment, Amos.

I wish I got more tips from employees at MCSD about the good things that are happening. I'd be very happy to write about them.

As it happens, though, it's just the bad news that is sent to me.

Please don't blame the Green Party for my opinions and views. Had I picked the Republican Party, I would have been off the ballot with no way to get on it, after the Primary - thanks to Illinois Election Law.

The substance to my campaign will begin showing up. It's a long time to November 2.

I'm sure that most of the employees are responsible about drinking and driving. Having said that, there are those in positions of responsibility who have, in the past, disregarded their responsibility about drinking and driving. They know who they are, as do the other employees.

Thanks again for your comments.

Unknown said...

Gus - I appreciate your response and clarifications to my earlier comments. Be assured that many of us are looking forward to learning about your platform, innovations and hopes for the MCSO, just as we look forward to candidate Mahon's positions. Most of the voters out here already know about Sheriff Nygren and expect absolutely nothing new, innovative or clean to be revealed by him or his powerbase in the coming campaign. Many of us are hoping and praying that history will not repeat itself as far as the Sheriff's race is concerned. I've met Mike Mahon and I like him. He's out at the various fairs and is willing to talk to anyone around, doesn't shy away from questions and looks you in the eye. You've been around for awhile and know these are positive attributes. I'm hoping to meet you, as well, in the coming months. I would expect no less from you. Its good that you keep digging, but sometimes you have to shake some of the dirt off the results and clearly expose the roots of the problem.