Judge McIntyre was to rule this morning on the new gravel pit desired by Merryman that is just west of Woodstock off South Street.
You can follow the action at www.notforpit.com
Thanks to Ben for the alert. I just wasn't able to be there at 9:00AM for the official decision. Expect to read a follow-up in the Northwest Herald and on the website above.
The McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals' unanimous decision against the pit and the McHenry County Board's majority decision against it, Merryman Aggregate, LLC and its partners sued for a permit to commence operations.
It's not too late to contribute to the expenses of stopping this pit. See donation information on their website.
Contestants for Spelling Bee
12 hours ago
Like Merryman cares now. He has his pit...on Lily Pond Road. You know, where the baseball stadium and county fair grounds are "going". It's going to be a big hole for the next 20 years.
Kyle S. YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!! This Merryman pit dude is the furtherest thing from Eco Friendly!! Maybe I will submit their name to list of non-eco friendly companies. I also see that they have hit ground water. Are they contaminating our water??? Good question huh? Maybe someone needs to get water samples from there huh?
Kyle you are so right!!! They were not suppose to hit our water table as well and as you can see on Google Earth they have seven plus water holes within that pit. Time to do water test. But the best indicator of water issue is your pets. You know of Merryman doesn't care about the people they surely don't care about our pets.
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