Who wants to go to Walkerton, Indiana and party at Memories Pizza?
This pizza "joint" has been in the news because of a comment that a co-owner made to a reporter. What is getting lost in the news is that she, the co-owner, did not say that they had refused to cater pizza to a wedding of a gay couple, but that they would refuse, if asked. What is also lost in the frenzy is that a gay person would be served in their restaurant.
The media feeding frenzy has brought the worms out of the woodwork. One woman, Jessica Dooley of Goshen, Ind., reportedly threatened to go to Walkerton and burn down that business. Read the story containing that threat here.
This is a great example of how the internet hurts business and people. Stories go around the world as fast as people can type, and then people say things for which it is hard to hold them accountable. I hope that Jessica is charged, prosecuted, found guilty and sent to jail for five years.
If I were closer, I'd be right there in Walkerton, ready to defend the owners and their business. How about you?
Cary Mayor Mark Kownick Holds Fundraiser
2 hours ago
I agree Gus. I'm told that Illinois has had a similar law on the books for years. I haven't had time to research that though.
I read that they re-opened yesterday Gus. Had a good day and a large crowd of supporters.
Thanks, Big Daddy. Glad to see they didn't cave in. Social media now has the power to destroy businesses and people quickly, and rational, law-abiding, independent, respectful people must stand up to that craziness.
The media has just as much of a right to report on the story as the owner does of refusing to cater. Clearly there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing people to refuse business to someone because of their sexual orientation, because I feel that it supports oppression. It's no different than refusing business due to race, disability, ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation (including a lack thereof), ect. However, I place the blame on lawmakers. If lawmakers create and pass a silly law that allows this type of action, and business owners exercise their freedom to do so; both lawmakers and business owners, should do so at their own risk. Certainly they considered the consequences before making these decisions. It's too bad the NCAA,professional sports organizations, and other entertainment industries haven't refused to conduct business in states with these laws in place.
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