On the way out the door, former MCSD Undersheriff Andy Zinke stuck a knife in Prim's back with this comment, as reported in the Northwest Herald, "I wish Bill Prim and the executive staff good luck. No
matter who the sheriff is, our department is strong, and they can
function no matter what."
The Northwest Herald says that Zinke resigned last Wednesday, effective today. Bill Prim will be sworn in as Sheriff this morning. Prim announced a new trio last week to help him steer the ship, and he eliminated the position of Undersheriff. (Remember, recently, when I wrote about such an elimination and had a bunch of lemons tossed at me by Primites, who claimed I was wrong?)
Cal Skinner reported Zinke's resignation as being effective at midnight Sunday (guess that would be 11:59pm on November 30). Current Patrol Commander John Miller issued an email on Sunday at 12:21pm (not to me, of course, but Cal apparently got a copy, either directly or indirectly) with this paragraph, "In the event something pressing comes up from then until Sheriff Prim is sworn in at approximately 0830 Monday morning please notify me ASAP." (Just about anybody familiar with military time knows that you don't say "0830 Monday morning"! "0830" is morning.
Which reporter will be first to learn the name of Zinke's new employer? There was a rumor a couple of months ago that Woodstock's Mayor Sager wanted to hire Zinke. Will Chief Lowen be retiring? Will an industrious reporter get on the phone this morning and call every law enforcement agency until she or he finds the right one?
Where was Keith Nygren in all this? Avoiding a speeding ticket near Minocqua or trying to avoid sunspots in Cape Coral? He was still the elected sheriff and pulling in his $150,000/year.
All Zinke did was quit a job. It's Nygren whose job ends with Bill Prim's swearing in. Zinke was still in charge at noon yesterday, assuming Nygren was AWOL. Did Nygren delegate to Zinke and did Zinke delegate to Miller? Doesn't sound like it from the wording of Miller's email.
And "something pressing"? Give me a break. With all that FBI training and a media relations deputy, couldn't MCSD even put out a professional announcement?
What's going to happen to Miller? Sedlock? Firman? What resignations will follow on Zinke's heels?
These potential departures caused me to think also about new hires. Can the Sheriff hire anyone he wants, or do applicants go through the County hiring process with all the thorough background checks, reference checks and drug tests?
LaHood Criticizes Blagojevich Pardon
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Just received a text message that the Chief of Corrections and Deputy Chief were escorted out of the building already.
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