What have the anti-gunners been doing since summer?
Sit down, take your Prozac, and read on.From the Illinois State Rifle Association comes the following:
HB3646 – DANGEROUS BILL – Bans Concealed Carry in
any restaurant that has alcoholic beverages on the
menu. Drastically reduces your choices on when and
how to protect yourself. This bill is a foot in the
door to create a growing list of places where you
will be prohibited from protecting yourself and your
family from dangerous criminals.
HB3669 – DANGEROUS BILL - This bill eliminates “safe
haven” provisions for areas near schools – meaning
that you could not even have a firearm locked in
your trunk if you drive on to ANY property
controlled by a school district. Once again, this
bill would severely limit your self defense options
and would make you a felon for doing nothing more
than possessing a firearm. Under this bill, you
would have to leave your defensive firearms at home
if your plans called for you to enter any lands
controlled by a school district. The real purpose of
this bill is to pave the way for sweeping
prohibitions on concealed carry that would make self
defense impractical and a serious legal risk for
most Illinois citizens.
HB3675 – DANGEROUS BILL – This bill would severely
increase penalties for persons found to be carrying
firearms in restricted areas. This bill is designed
solely to scare law-abiding citizens out of carrying
defensive firearms. This bill in no way targets
gang-bangers or other violent criminals.
SB2594 – DANGEROUS BILL – This is another bill that
would prohibit carry in restaurants that have
alcoholic beverages on the menu.
(The anti-gunners will be infuriated by the following "good" bills that have been introduced:)
HB3651 – GOOD BILL – This bill lowers the burdensome
16-hour training rule to a more reasonable 8-hour
requirement. This bill also eliminates the
re-training requirements for carry permit renewals.
In short, this bill undoes that anti-gunners’
attempts to discourage people from applying for
carry permits by easing burdensome training
HB3650 – GOOD BILL – This bill provides for
concealed carry reciprocity between Illinois and
dozens of other states.
HB3649 – GOOD BILL – This bill reduces the
exorbitant fees the State Police plan on charging
people for permit applications. The state should not
be allowed to price-gouge citizens who want to
defend themselves. This bill would make fees more
reasonable and thus allow greater access to self
defense for Illinois citizens.
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
48 minutes ago
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