Saturday, August 4, 2012

The truth about Jesse Jackson, Jr.?

If you want the truth about the current hospitalization of Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., read USAToday. After you do, you may still want the truth.

Consider these tidbits of information, all from that article.

He is suffering from debilitating depression.
His wife, Sandi Jackson, is a Chicago City Council member. Everybody know that?
Jesse, Jr., didn't try to kill himself.
He was not being treated for alcohol or drug addition.
Jackson, Jr. was transferred to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, when his office finally revealed where he was.
He had collapsed at his Washington, DC home on June 10.
Jesse, Sr. and brother, Yusef, took him to George Washington Hospital.
Sandi Jackson suggested Yusef take Jesse, Jr. to Sierra Tucson (Ariz.) Treatment Center.
Is his depression linked to a "lack of nutrients" and linked to a 2004 weight-loss surgery?
His depress "has not yet been diagnosed as a bipolar disorder".

Jesse, Jr. hasn't been told of the arrest of Raghuveer Nayak, a family friend and fundraiser.

Now that's depressing.

From the homepage of Sierra Tucson Care Center comes this information, "Sierra Tucson is a multi-licensed, accredited psychiatric hospital that is internationally known and respected as a leader in the treatment of addictions and behavioral disorders."

The American People want Congressmen who are healthy, physically and mentally. It's time for Jesse, Jr. to resign.

What do you think? $50,000/month? More? How much are the co-pay and the deductible on a Congressman's health insurance plan? Is there a cap on psychiatric treatment? How did Jesse, Jr. get from Washington, DC to Tucson? Private jet? Hospital jet? At taxpayer expense?

Remember when the smoke read "mood disorder"?

Wait, wait! Would Gov. Quinn appoint Rahm Emanuel? Get well quick, Jesse!


Mike said...

His depression started when he didnt get Obama's Senate seat and got much worse when he found out he was on those tapes with Blago. Wonder if the US Attorney has a plan for those tapes. Lots of people play the i'm depressed game and go in for treatment to avoid arrest as long as possible. Hmmm!

Debra said...

Bingo Mike!

Pamela Whitson said...

. . . and Bingo was his nameO . . .