Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jailer sucker-punches inmate

Check out the article in Thursday's Chicago Tribune that includes raw video of a Cook County jailer (corrections officer) sucker-punching an inmate without warning. Watch the video and see how he approaches the inmate and, without warning, swings at him and hits him squarely in the front of the face.

Not only was the jailer stupid to do it, he was stupid to do it right in front of a camera.

According to the article, this battery occurred on June 16 and it took until August 2nd for Rico Palomino, a 12-year employee of the Cook County Jail, to be charged.

Why wasn't he arrested on June 16?

And why is he charged only with official misconduct? How about obstruction of justice for filing false reports after the incident? How about intimidation of victim, when he told the inmate to lie about what happened?

Did Palomino intend to assault the inmate when he left his desk and began to follow him? Is that first-degree intent then, more serious that just swinging at the inmate?

Does Palomino have a history of attacks on inmates or with physical problems outside the jail?

Who investigated this? Sheriff Dart's boys?

The article further said that Palomino turned himself in on Thursday. Since when do suspects in criminal batteries get the chance to turn themselves in? Why didn't they go to his home or, better yet, go to his duty station and place him under arrest there?

Palomino goes back to court on August 23. Why don't the prosecutors just take in the video, show it to the judge, and convict him on the spot?

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