Friday, August 24, 2012

Perps on scene - no arrests

What does it take to get the McHenry County Sheriff's Department to make arrests, when they respond to a breaking-and-entering call and find the perps still on the scene? Three men reportedly broke into Harmony Real Estate when it was closed and locked.

When the responsible party (RP) for a commercial office reports a break-in and, when a deputy shows up, the culprits are still on the scene, why would he not arrest them?

Is it really true that the deputy told the RP that he'd file a report and the RP could follow up later? The RP in this case should raise Hell with the Sheriff's Department and involve the Undersheriff and the Sheriff, personally; he should demand an explanation why the perps were not arrested.

And he should complain to the County Administrator and to the County Board. According to information I received, the perps had no authority to enter the building when it was locked and unoccupied. If they were in the building without authority, they were trespassing, at a minimum, and could be charged with burglary. I wonder what the deputy's excuse will be for handling the response as it was.


Pamela Whitson said...

Do You Think we have a Sheriff and Undersheriff MIA?

Mike said...

There is only one reason not to make an arrest. If the responsible party does not wish to pursue criminal charges there is no point to an arrest.

Mike said...

The only reason that I can think of for no arrest is that the responsible party did not want to pursue criminal charges.