Does anyone else wonder how high the legal bills at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department will soar, when it uses a high-priced lawyer as its spokesman? This morning's article in the Northwest Herald about the interest of a statewide coalition in getting the Feds involved in the racial profiling investigation mentions an opinion from one of the sheriff's favorite attorneys, James Sotos of Itasca.
Does anyone wonder why the sheriff's attorney is in Itasca and why all those County dollars are being spent in DuPage County, instead of here?
Of course, the sheriff has an attorney downstairs at 2200 N. Seminary Ave., right here in Woodstock. That would be the McHenry County State's Attorney. Nygren must like the drive over to Itasca or paying Sotos time and mileage to trot over here for meetings.
It's nice that Sotos thinks that "any call for a federal investigation was unwarranted and premature because an internal investigation was nearly complete."
That's a good one! How'd the first three investigations into racial profiling come out? Did the tune only change after a civil rights lawsuit got underway in Federal Court in Rockford? It would be unprofessional for Mr. Sotos to say that he doesn't trust the in-house investigation or the results.
So I'll say it for him: "I don't trust the McHenry County Sheriff's Department to investigate itself."
In the meantime, let a spokesman at the sheriff's department speak for the department. Taxpayers don't need to pay $400-500/hour for a spokesman!
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
8 hours ago
Makes sense to me since Sotos is the attorney representing the MCSO in Rockford.
I hate to say it but Bachmann published some info on his blog a while back that really made sense. He wrote about what is Hispanic and what isn't. Since the Fed’s consider Hispanics to be a subcategory of WHITE; and the Illinois Secretary of State lists them as WHITE. If I were a deputy or police officer, inferred logic tells me that if I read the print out or looked at the laptop screen showing the official driver’s license data telling me they are WHITE, then they are WHITE.
If I were talking to Pedro Gomez and he barely spoke English and said he was from Mexico, I'd "infer" that he was Hispanic.
Well, that ASSUMES (and we all know what that means, Gus) that you knew what you were talking about and old Pedro said he was from Mexico. I wonder how many Hispanics will say that, admit to being illegal, etc.
Remember, it's been made clear that the deputies are not allowed to ASK.
So old Snidely has a point. I too have read what that loon Bachmann has written and it makes a lot of sense. I hate to admit it, but in this instance he's correct.
Why don't you go look and see just how many RACES there are? Everything I've seen indicates that are just THREE. Caucasian/White, Black/Negroid, and Asian. If their driver's license comes back saying they're white it means one of three things: They stated on their application that they were white, a higher authority (the Sec of State) deemed them to be white, or they flat out lied. If they lied, the officers aren't allowed to ask or contradict. It would seem the problem is just one of many caused by the idiot who brought forth the idea of create the checklist to cause grief, none other than YOUR favorite president, the One, the Big O, better known as the nitwit who knows nothing about nothing and can prove it. You and he have a lot in common!
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