Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and success new year.

If you are having trouble posting comments to this blog, be sure to let me know. There are no blocks, although I do moderate comments. Almost all comments are approved.

Some readers have let me know of problems with attempted postings, and I'll be happy to do my best to assist, so that if you do wish to post a comment, at least your comment will reach me.

Email and describe any problem with creating a UserID or with sending a comment. Please include any Error Number or other message you receive after trying to submit your comment.


Anonymous said...

For all the folks out there, Gus does in fact post most of my commnents... only 49% of them get screened that are tasteless, disgusting, disrespectful, repugnant, vicious, libel, slanderous, and in just badd taste.
wait... did I say only 49%? DOH!

Happy 2010 to all!

Gus said...

TMB, I don't know if the rank of Colonel will be good enough for you! Your photo with your comments is really great. I hope all click on it and enjoy it!