Take a look at the following numbers, taken from figures posted today on www.mcsdexposed.blogspot.com. You might want to take your blood pressure first, and then take it a second time. The following are taken from the 2008 gross wages paid to supervisory deputies of the McHenry County Sheriff's Department.
The gross wages paid to the sheriff ($144,218) and the undersheriff ($126,234) total $270,452.
Two captains earned $212,923. Average: $106,461
Four lieutenants earned $407,883. Average: 101,970
Fifteen sergeants earned $1,350,232. Average: $103,864
One civilian EEO employee earned $92,366
The total? $2,333,857
It might be really interesting to see the breakdown of the gross wages; i.e., what part was base salary and what made up the rest. Does anyone earn overtime and, if so, at what rate?
If overtime is paid, why? What efforts are made to control overtime and prevent it by hiring more employee at base salaries, rather than paying overtime?
What do benefits cost McHenry County taxpayers?
Then toss in a vehicle. Does a supervisor get a county squad car to drive home, or do only patrol deputies drive take-home cars?
Do any deputies with take-home cars live outside McHenry County (like in Wisconsin?)?
Are any records kept as to how many times a deputy has needed to respond to a car from home, making the take-home car a good deal for the County? Do deputies reimburse the County for the cost of commuting to and from the Department?
Does the sheriff ever drive his Tahoe to Minocqua, Wisconsin? At what rate does he reimburse the County for personal use of the Tahoe?
Who drives the sheriff to the airport, when he heads off to his $620,000 home in Cape Coral? Does he take a limo or service car for $65.00 at his personal expense, or does a highly-paid employee drive him there?
Fox River Grove Moving Ahead with Downtown Development
34 minutes ago
Ok, forgive me, I've been gone awhile, but...
This is the same old song and dance over here and evidently the link you've posted is headed in the same direction. Let's all draw attention to what we feel is wrong with the SO, raise eyebrows, go for the shock value, zero in on "ah ha!" and avoid at all costs mentioning what qualifications we have. I went back a bit and didn't see where you've posted your quals, Gus and I am still scratching my head over Zane being young, dynamic and living a few miles from hq. I am not knocking any of his previous experience, but there is no supervisory experience in there anywhere. He doesn't appear to be a leader and neither do you. Same old song and dance. I'd really be interested in hearing just how you or Zane would make it better, not just pointing out what you feel is wrong/inadequate/unjust/etc...Why exactly are either of you the better candidate?
After u become Tin Star, I have to inform you that I would not accept any position in your posse less than Colonel. Doh.
QWA, the only important sheriff's race on February 2 is between Seipler and Nygren. That's why you're not hearing anything from me and is likely the reason you are hearing so little from Mahon. It will be a three-way race for sheriff and you can count on plenty of firing power coming after February 2.
Or maybe that's a politically incorrect phrase...
OK, Colonel. You've got a deal. Remember, though; it's BYOS.
You have missed the point Gus. Don't look at the salaries, that seems petty and it's small.
Go to the county webpage and see who has the biggest budget and how much the Sheriff's dept. costs per year per taxpayer compared with other counties (that might open you eyes abit and give you a better target.)
Just sayin.
Change is coming. More democrats from Chicago are moving out to McHenry County. Soon there will be more balance in county government and that can only be good for the people.
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