Northwest Herald reporter Sara Sutschek uncovered important information related to the early morning fatal accident on July 1 that claimed two young lives just outside Woodstock.
She wrote in this morning's Northwest Herald article that Jacob Norys and Alec Kaiser had talked to a friend in a Woodstock gas station parking lot shortly before the crash. Then she wrote, "Norys and Kaiser switched spots, with Kaiser getting behind the wheel."
This would indicate to me that Norys drove from his home to Kaiser's home and then back into Woodstock to that gas station parking lot, which location was not identified in the Northwest Herald article.
At that point a Woodstock officer in an unmarked car pulled in. From the article it appears that just-barely-16 Alec Kaiser was behind the wheel of the Norys car. It may be that the officer felt he did not have cause to ask for identification, if the car was on private property.
Before that, when Kaiser was passenger, there were 22 outgoing calls from his cell phone.
Depending on what "shortly before 2 a.m." means, the boys must have left that convenience store and perhaps drove south on Dean Street, crossing U.S. 14, and turning right on Davis Road.
There was a cell phone call at 1:58AM from Kaiser's phone to "Potatoe", and the crash time is reported as 2:02AM. "Potatoe" will know whether he was talking to Kaiser or Norys (on Kaiser's phone) at the time of the crash and what their conversation was about.
Norys' cell phone was damaged in the crash, and deputies were unable to extract a record of his cell phone usage from the phone. They could have obtained call records from the cellular service provider, but those records were not in the Coroner's file last week.
The question now is, what will parents and friends do, so that crashes like this one don't happen in the future?
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11 hours ago
Gus asks" "The question now is, what will parents and friends do, so that crashes like this one don't happen in the future?"
Is the answer read Gus's blog for safety tips? Folks I gave up this blog after the Beth Bentley articles that lacked what one might call tact, but I came back thinking, "Gus seems like a harmless guy." But it seems like we are going back down the same road.
A long time ago there was a firefighter who died, they used firetrucks with their sirens blaring for the funeral. Gus's reaction: using sirens during a funderal is against the law. I know, typical Barney Fife stuff. Then Beth Bentley disappeared and there was a fundraiser and all Gus could do to help was question the legality of a 50/50 raffle. Now he wants to use a tragedy to have something to write about.
He doesn't respond to reason, and from what I can tell copies many of his stories from other stories changes them slightly and slaps a different title on them.
To Madd Bulldog and the rest ... catch ya later ... I am done (again) reading and trying to correct the perfidy.
My question is if the officer had probable cause to ask if the kids were old enough to smoke... why did he not ask for identification? If he did... this tragic accident would have been avoided!
No! Ray, you were the only reason to read Frank's blog. I would always agree with you and couldn't wait to see how Frank would avoid answering/addressing your posts. What am I going to do now for entertainment?
p.s. Davis Road was a "roller coaster" drive for teens during my era-1970's. You can't stop teens from wanting to get a thrill. We, as adults, can all try to educate and instruct, but many teens die every year while looking for fun or just from inexperience in all areas of life. It's tragic and much too common.
That might be a good question to ask at the August Coffee with the Chief.
Kat's K., are you willing to step up and do something about it, since "it" is much too common?
How about some good driving simulators in all the high schools? Crank in dangerous conditions and let them see how easily they can crash. Or some gifts of a week-end at the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving or a similar driving school.
You do realize that kids/teens play car crash video games ad nauseum. This only adds to the thrill of doing it in real life. There are phones, drinking, drugs, loud music, goofing around, etc...... I would love to think that seeing how easily they could lose control would be a deterrent. When they simulated a crash in front of our school for the driver's ed classes, most of the guys thought it was cool. If you are old enough to have a driver's license you should have had all the warnings and instruction needed. Some people get it, others do not.
Placing a wrecked car in front of a school and having kids "play" victim and be rescued doesn't cut it. You say the guys thought it was "cool". That shows what a wasted effort it was.
The instruction and the warnings are not effective. Kids just "endure" them on the way to getting their licenses.
Kids today (and not just kids) text while driving as if there no law against it.
Some judges do their part to help the system fail. I watched a lawyer for three kids plead them guilty to Illegal Parking on their under-age drinking violations, and the judge accepted it. The kids laughed on the way out of the courtroom. The $100 fine and the $200 to the lawyer was a joke to them.
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