The 2009 People in Need Forum was held this morning at MCC, and it was an eye-opener. Attended mainly by volunteers and agency employees who wanted to know more about the resources available in McHenry County, more than 200 people braved the cold to show up.
Several organizations pulled together to create an invaluable Resource Directory, and it was printed in both English and Spanish. The 2009 directory will be available online at
The Forum was well-organized and offered ten workshops split into two time-periods. I attended the presentations by the McHenry County Housing Authority and by PADS and gained considerable new knowledge about the programs of each.
It was truly impressive to see the number of people wanting to help those in need. In McHenry County there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people in need. Often they suspect assistance might be available, but they don't know where to get it. In other cases, they don't even know assistance is available.
It's not too late for a New Year's Resolution that your family and you will find at least one way to volunteer and make a difference in someone's family or life. There are many, many opportunities to help. Most will cost only your time. In other cases, you might make a financial contribution or provide unreimbursed transportation for someone in need. There are also volunteer opportunities that could involve reimbursed transportation.
For example, you might contact the United Way. Visit
Or contact Faith in Action at 815-455-3120
Or contact Senior Services Associates, Inc. at 815-344-3555
Or the Salvation Army at 815-455-ARMY (-2769)
Or PADS at or 815-338-5231
Or any of the many others. Get involved. Get excited.
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