What do you have to do to someone, or to some gang, to get shot on four different days in the past year?
In an article in the Chicago Tribune about a different shooting, also there was reported this shooting.
Yesterday a 25-year-old man was shot, He had also been shot on October 10, June 4 and November 29, 2012.
Chicago Police, who haven't released the identity of the man yet, said he was shot in the stomach in the
4700 block of North Beacon Street (Uptown neighborhood) at about 3:45 p.m.
He is obviously on someone's hit list. If the police were following the procedures in suggested in Prof. David M. Kennedy's 2011 book, Don't Shoot - One Man, a Street Fellowship, and the End of Violence in Inner-City America, they would know who is after that victim. They'd pull in the gang leader and tell him, "Any more shooting that comes back on your gang, you're going down."
Kennedy gives an example in his book. After a shooting that followed a warning, a gang leader and a juvenile were walking down a street. The juvenile had a gun in his pocket. The gang leader had one bullet in his pocket - one; one bullet. And the gang leader went to a Federal prison for 19 years.
Why does Chicago lack the "intestinal fortitude" to use Kennedy's plan? Chicago PD Supt. Garry McCarthy endorsed Kennedy's book. Did he even read it?
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1 hour ago
I don't think you get it Gus. If they kill this punk, it's a two banger. One dead punk and then we can put his killer in jail for the rest of his life or even better, kill him when he tries to kill us when we arrest him. Where's the problem.
McCarthy knows Kennedy from his days back east. There's a reason he won't use his theories which is what they are. You see Gus, Kennedy lives in academia. McCarthy lives in the real world.
I will not work Gus. It's been tried before. Remember former Superintendent Judy Weis? He too read Kennedy's book. He too had a meeting with all the thugs. Just like Kennedy said to. Just like they did on Hill Street Blues years ago. While it did work in Hill Street Blues it didn't work in the real world. They would laugh their behinds off if McCarthy tried what you/Kennedy suggest. As they did when Weis pulled his stunt.
Gus, pulling a guy in and telling him to knock it off isn't going to work. If they have enough evidence that a particular gang was responsible for shooting this guy there are other ways to handle it. Ever hear of RICO? Or perhaps simply gathering enough evidence to arrest and charge him would work. But meeting with him other than to arrest him does nothing but embolden him and give him credibility.
The south and west sides of Chicago ain't Woodstock Gus.
Big Daddy, have you read Kennedy's book? All of it?
Asked and answered in another thread. But yes I have. to repeat myself and I wasn't impressed.
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