Monday, May 10, 2010

Census survey results

In a recent survey the question was asked, “Did you mail back your Census questionnaire by April 1?”

The following responses were received from 123 readers. Thanks for participating in this survey!
Yes – 38 (31%)
No – 85 (69%)

I don’t know the national statistics on returns, but this county is spending millions of dollars unnecessarily to collect the balance of Census information. There could be as many as 650,000 Enumerators scouring the country, collecting information about the households that did not return their questionnaires.

Some residents say they mailed them back; many of those probably did, but they didn’t mail them back in time to “make the cut”, so temporary employees are recruited, hired and trained to go out and count the rest of the noses.

You can help reduce Census expense by answering the questions when the Census Enumerator comes to your door. If you get a Notice of Visit, call the person back. Don’t make them chase you, because chase you they will. It’s their job.

1 comment:

Franker said...

Gussy~ I'm glad to employ 650,000 people who need jobs! We should see a super low unemployment rate for the second quarter. I'm not saying this is a fix, but like you said, they are recruited, hired, and trained" I LOVE THIS!!!
It is our tax dollars that pay for the enumumerators but it is also our tax dollars that pay for unemployment, housing, LINK cards, and so on. I would much rather have the feds require people to go out and work for money, than continue to hand it away for free. ATLEAST THESE PEOPLE RECEIVING A FEDERAL CHECK ARE WORKING FOR IT!!!