Monday, May 10, 2010

Choking game survey

In a recent survey the question was asked, “What do you know about the choking game?”

The following responses were received from 114 readers:

Know someone who has tried it – 15 (13%)
Have tried it myself – 80 (70%)
Had never heard of it – 19 (17%)

I must admit – I’ve not been so suspicious of survey results before. Maybe results in this survey were “fixed”; but why? Have 70% of the respondents really tried it?


Franker said...

Oh Gussy~ you left out the section I would have chosen. "I have heard of it". Your three choices did not apply to me. I do not know anyone who has tried it, nor have I tried it myself but I have heard of it!

Karen30036 said...

I tried it. I was maybe 15 or 16 years old.
It created a "buzz" for about 15 or 16 seconds (one second for each year of life).
Kids do stupid things. Boredom and curiousity is the driving force behind the dangerous things kids do.