Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fearmongers or ???

Could Civil War be again in the near future of the United States? If you read this article, you can either file it away as fear-mongering or remember it in the future after life in the U.S. has changed.

I don't know. Hey, if I did, I'd be King and have the keys to Fort Knox under my pillow.

And then, what about this article?

What is the "European Union Times"? Is it a scandalous rag? Or is it a bonafide news source?

Does anyone read Financial Times or other world newspapers? Or do you rely on the Northwest Herald and its feeds from the Associated Press for all your news?

Should we be buying more guns and more ammo? Stockpiling food and water? A week's worth of crackers in the cupboard and two gallons of store-bought water isn't going to keep you alive for long, although it would be better than nothing.

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