I live 100 miles south of Charlotte, N.C.
I am so sick and tired of this BLM nonsense that I am ready to scream and curse. I have news for all the BLM idiots. Your lives will matter when you stop doing stupid things,
Don't get out of your car holding a gun.
Don't dive into the cab of your truck for your driver's license and come out with your back to the cop.
Keep your empty hands in sight.
Don't mouth off to cops.
Don't throw bottles and rocks at cops, motorists or bystanders.
Don't stomp on police cars.
Don't burn, loot, steal.
Don't live-stream false statements on social media.
Don't believe all the garbage that is being live-streamed.
Don't shut down interstate highways, throw rocks from overpasses, loot from trucks stopped on the interstate.
I wonder what training police have to recognize when citizens are coming to their aid.
Let's say that a bunch of BLM thugs are rioting, burning, looting, and law-abiding citizens (white, black, brown, you name it) show up - armed - to help the police.
For example,
to stop looting of stores;
to prevent the setting of fires;
to stop violent protesters from throwing rocks and stones from overpasses onto cars on highways or roadways;
to prevent destruction of City property, such as police cars;
to protect police and other first responders;
to protect innocent bystanders or observers.
If I/we show up to help, how do we avoid getting shot by police?
Evidence of Leftwing Bias at PBS
1 hour ago