Help a Crystal Lake family find their lost dog. I received this e-mail today from them.
"This is out of the area your blog covers, but we heard you're a
kind-hearted animal lover who might be willing to help us spread the
"Dakota, a senior female bulldog/pitbull mix,
escaped from her handler on Monday afternoon near the Randall Rd Animal
Hospital on Claremont Dr. in Crystal Lake.
"She'd just been rescued from Chicago Animal Care & Control, and is badly in need of vet care for her eyes.
in spite of being an old lady she is pretty fast on her feet. She was
last spotted near the Animal Hospital Monday evening. We'd be so
grateful if you could help us get out the word about her - we're seeking more sightings so we have a better idea where to
look for her.
"I know this isn't the purpose of your blog, but we're hoping
you'll find a soft spot in your heart for this senior gal. (She was
turned over to Chicago Animal Control by her family, who'd had her for
12+ years. She doesn't deserve for her life to end by getting hit by a
car, or being lost somewhere alone.)
"We're stressing that people DON'T chase her, but call to report where
they saw her. She was terrified at CACC and on the ride to Crystal
Lake. Being in an area she's never been to before has likely left her
confused and scared; she's most likely to turn and run - very doubtful that she'd walk up to someone.
"If you have any questions, need actual pictures, or anything
else please don't hesitate to email back. Thank You in advance for any
help you're willing to offer.
"(There's also a Facebook
post on Lost Dogs Illinois page, dated 6/2/14 if you're willing to
share that too - we're grateful for all assistance)"
I wasn't able to re-post the flier from this family, but you can view the dog, a 12-year-old, brown-and-white pit mix (rescue) named Dakota
here. Or you can go to www.petamberalert.com and search in ZIP Code 60014 to find Dakota. If you see Dakota, look on the PetAmberAlert website for the way to contact the owner.