I happened to be in my car early this afternoon and caught part of Pres. Obama's speech (if you can call it that) about the use of drones.
He has to be the worst public speaker ever to approach a microphone. I could not believe his halting speech. Somebody ought to hire a speech coach for him!
As I listened to him, I could not think of any reason to believe what he was saying. He was obviously reading it, and not very well. He is apparently the type of person who must rehearse a spontaneous speech for three weeks.
But I'll tell you what got my attention. It was when he referred at 1:23PM to "drone strikes both here and at home." I think that's what he said. As I type this, I now wonder where he was, when he was speaking.
Now, what is the "at home" reference to drone strikes. That's what I wonder. How many drone attacks have been launched on U.S. soil, right here in the U.S.A.?
Drain Replies to Shorten
14 hours ago
Considering President Obama was in front of a live audience, the pauses made perfect sense. I watched the speech, and neither saw nor heard anything wrong with his presentation (but I admit, I think he's generally a very good speaker).
You, on the other hand, don't think there's anything good about President Obama, and will gripe and nitpick about anything/everything our President says and does.
Not sure why you even bother to watch or listen to him - unless it is to find a reason to put him down. I liked the word a commenter used the other day to describe you - xenophobic.
I wouldn't waste my time listening to Obama or any speaker, if my reason was to put him down. I was in my car and had the radio tuned to NPR.
I caught a little of his speech later online with a video; he does come across better with the video.
But the test is what you hear - the words - when not influenced by the visual. I didn't like WHAT he said or HOW he said it.
Tell me, what do you think about his reference to using drones "at home"?
Drones have killed 4 Americans. 1 was authorized and the other 3 are being played off by the administration as "I don't know" just like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and the IRS scandal. None of these attacks took place in America. I have heard drones are being used by law enforcement already (more like for the chase--you know like surveilance).
First there were no drones.
Then there were drones abroad.
Then drones were allowed in the US but couldn't be weaponized.
Then drones were allowed to kill Americans overseas if they were engaged in war/terrorism.
Pretty soon they'll be killing Americans on American soil with weaponized drones.
Google is great. You can find out a lot of things the mainstream media won't tell you. (Like did you know yesterday millions of people all over the world marched to protest Monsanto?)
BTW "oh brother" are you a big Obama supporter? What do you think liberals think about drones? How come liberals foul play about civil liberties and human rights when Bush was in and now that Obama is in they don't seem to have the pressure on him? (I'm speaking moreso of the establishment and media not his actual constituents) Most of his constituents are angry at him and that's why he gave that speech yesterday. He's acknowledging it. Don't pretend that every criticism against Obama is invalid because people are just racists. I marched against Monsanto yesterday and we had libertarians, liberals, communists, anarchists, independents, and I'm willing to bet some Republicans too.
BTW I know Alex Jones is considered a coo coo waka but he's been talking about drones for YEARS. I remember years ago, when drones were just used against FOREIGN terrorists and he said it wouldn't last for long--that they would be used against Americans abroand and eventually in the states. So who's the coo coo waka? The person who echoes what a VAST majority of people believe or a sitting President who is doing the OPPOSITE of what he said and going against the will of the majority?
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