Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and daughter of gun-control fanatic House Speaker Mike Madigan, is continuing to interfere with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision of December 11, 2012. That Court gave Illinois 180 days to enact a law permitting concealed carry by granting a stay of its decision that current Illinois law in that area is unconstitutional.
L. Madigan knew she had until May 23 to file a last-ditch appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. So what does she do? On Monday She filed a request for a 30-day extension for filing her appeal. Why didn't she bust her tail, starting December 12, to get her appeal ready?
And why isn't she burning the midnight oil now, trying to meet the May 23 deadline to file? Why sit on her butt and put off any "best efforts" that she might possess and then, if about May 20th, if she sees she can't make the deadline, ask for an extension?
Why is she appealing at all, and why did she wait so long to file? I can understand if daddy and daughter will be "uncomfortable" at Sunday dinners or family picnics, but why hold the People of Illinois hostage, just because of their personal anti-gun stances?
Every week people in Chicago are injured and killed under the current set of laws.
Will much change in Chicago, after concealed-carry is passed? Probably not. You have to look not only at the statistics, but also at those who are involved. If the gangbangers are shooting the gangbangers, no change in gun laws will affect them. Heck, just pass out more ammunition and let them finish the job.
The store owner on N. Western Ave.? He'll be better off. When those two punks entered his store on April 9, all he had was a bat to defend himself. Thanks, Mike and Lisa and Rahm. Well, maybe only "Thanks, Rahm."
Luis Quizhpe could have had a gun in his store under Illinois law, but Chicago's law is more restrictive. Maybe Sen. Kwame Raoul ought to go by 2242 N. Western Ave. and ask Mr. Quizhpe what he thinks about a more restrictive law in Chicago/Cook County for concealed-carry licenses. Or for any gun-control issues.
Even the people in the hardcore Democratic districts of Cook County and Chicago would vote out Mike Madigan, Lisa Madigan, Pat Quinn, John Cullerton and Pat Quinn, if they took time to understand where those elected persons actually stand on self-defense and constitutional rights.
Drain Replies to Shorten
14 hours ago
What I wonder is why the people of Chicago are not out in force demanding they're second amendment rights from the clowns that run the city. Or perhaps the news has been ordered not to cover any rallies.
A wise person once said, "If you don't know your rights, you don't have any."
Anyone who watches TV has heard, "You have the right to remain silent"; at least, on TV. Many don't really understand what that means.
And the "right" to bear arms. Everyone in Chicago should have purchased handguns and fought Chicago a long time ago.
What is crybaby Lisa going to do when the SCOTUS denies her motion?
I'll bet she already has the appeal of the Circuit Court decision written and ready to file. She's just whining and trying to gain attention. Well, she's getting it, and it's going to backfire the next time she runs for any office.
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