An Oceanside, Calif. high school attempted to shock students about the dangers of drunk driving last month by announcing that several students had been killed in wrecks involving drunk driving. They apparently were even able to get California Highway Patrol officers to participate!
Shocking! News reports indicated that several students were traumatized. Well, duh...
The intentions of the San Diego-area school, El Camino High School were probably good, but their idea was just plan stupid. Do you suppose they consulted mental health professionals about the potential emotional upset and the true and long-lasting impact it might have - and I'm not talking about the decision to drink and drive or ride with a drunk or impaired driver.
Get a load of the comment of a guidance counselor at the school. "They were traumatized, but we wanted them to be traumatized" (as quoted in the June 12th Associated Press article). If I were the principal of that school, that counselor would already be looking for a new job!
They say only a few have complained to Superintendent Larry Perondi and no one to the PTA. Want to change that? Voice your opinion to the school board president by visiting the district's website at
Contestants for Spelling Bee
11 hours ago
1 comment:
How times have changed. Years ago there was a program called "Scared Straight" in which troubled youths were exposed to imprisoned criminals and purposely shocked and scared into rethinking the error of the path they were on.It met with critical acclaim. Now "better dead than upset" is the rule. I sure am glad that this generation didn't have to fight WWII or we would all be speaking German.
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