Yesterday the United States Supreme Court ruled that people can own guns in their homes. One article mentioned that Heller was a security guard in Washington who could carry a handgun at work in Washington, D.C. but could not have at home.
Dick Daley is all righteous and pompous and using his bully pulpit to say that Heller (the Supreme Court case) doesn't apply in Chicago. Last time I checked, Chicago was still in the United States. Maybe Hizzoner has a newer map. The only dangerous part about law-abiding citizens having handguns in Chicago is Daley!
I don't usually attack people in The Woodstock Advocate; however, Daley deserves it. He seems to think he "owns" Chicago. Look at the murder rate in Chicago, the gangs, the drugs, the slums - great job, Dick!
Daley is going to waste thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of dollars of taxpayer money (and we know how rich the coffers in Chicago are) arguing against the U.S. Constitution that he swore to uphold and now against the law of the land, as pronounced yesterday by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Maybe someone needs to sue Daley and haul him into court for violating his oath of office and for directing the improper use of City monies.
I say, "Arm all law-abiding citizens in Chicago at taxpayer expense. Teach them to shoot and to shoot straight. Teach them when to shoot." Then watch the murder rate, the drive-by shootings and other crimes against persons drop precipitously. The savings in police services, hospital services, social services would more than pay for the guns!
Contestants for Spelling Bee
12 hours ago
Hi Gus -
As announced in the Daily Herald today, the Illinois Rifle Association and others have now filed suit against the City of Chicago, trying to invalidate it's gun prohibition. Whooo Whooo!
Daley was quoted that what do we want, some kind of "wild west" out there? Excuse me Mayor, what is that you have now? He and others totally ignore reality - gun control feels good, sounds good but just increases the amount of victims and the body count. If I can BUY women from the the East, all and kinds of dope I want, all the illegal porn I want, all the stolen goods I want, how is it that you can say a gun ban is achieveable?
Illinois and Wisconsin are the final holdouts on citizens being allowed to carry firearms in virtually any way, not to mention not having a "castle doctrine".
Most of us who wish to have a carry license of any kind are certainly interested in attending and passing any and all classes regarding weapons ownership, use and safety in order to be licensed. We are not only interested in exercising our rights, but wish to be SKILLED. What Daley should be insisting on is having the gang-bangers take these courses, too.
These guys are about the worst shots you can imagine. It seems that everyone BUT the intended targets get shot. Of course, part of that is due to the fact they wish to shoot one-handed and sideways. Stylin'! Lookin' good, but shootin' bad. At least when "The Mob" took someone out, that was the only person who went down - and hey, that was their retirement plan! LOL!
It was refreshing to hear Jody Weiss, the new Chicago Police Dpeartment Commissioner, call out the parents (step and otherwise) on their gang affiliations in the latest shooting that ended up seriously wounding their young son. FINALLY, someone's willing to say it like it is. Poor Mayor Daley was now forced to agree with reality for a change - or at least for the press.
In comparison to thugs of the past, these gang members have no pride, no skill, nor moral compunctions of any kind. But those us private citizens concerned about what's going on do. A well-trained and armed populace will result in violent crime dropping steadily, as has been noted in other states that have approved citizen carry of all kinds.
Finally, perhaps, the tide is turning!
Gus - You be so right - the phrase "the right to bear arms" means exactly what is says - we all have the RIGHT to carry a pistol and yes, the government has the right to regulate (but not prohibit)such actions. I have no problem with registering my pea-shooter or waiting a week or two until a background check is completed ... and lets face it, there's nothing like looking down the barrel of a Dirty Harry special to make a crook shake in his boots, turn tale, and head for the hills ... and just so ya' know, I'm not packing - I'm just happy to see ya cause ... Gus, you da' man!
Florida has a concealed carry permit law and it is NOT the wild west. Maybe "hishoner" the mayor of Chicago would feel different if he didn't have 5 Chicago Cops protecting his butt around the clock. In Florida, the rate of person to person crime like murder, rape, robbery and carjacking are down...why...because it might be the last crime you commit before a person legally packing heat blows your head off.
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