Look out for the steamroller coming your way.
See the paper today? Illinois Senate President John Cullerton (D-6 (Chicago! Where else?)) said yesterday that he believes he can ram this bill down the throats of law-abiding citizens of Illinois next week (well, he didn't say it quite that way).
Cullerton believes he can jam the bill to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants (no, John, they are NOT illegal "immigrants"; they are illegal aliens!) through the Illinois Senate this next week (Nov. 26-30). And Democratic Governor Pat Quinn says he'll sign it, if it passes the House.
Better get on the phone, folks. First thing Monday morning, since Illinois Representatives and Senators and their staffs have already taken off for the long Thanksgiving week-end. (Hmmmm, why is it that the Friday after Thanksgiving is a paid holiday for so many (government!) workers?)
Let's see; legal, law-abiding citizens of Illinois cannot get the right to carry concealed weapons, but lawmakers seem poised to give illegal people residing in Illinois the right to drive a car.
What part of "illegal" do the legislators not understand? The best way to make the roads safe is to allow only legal drivers to operate motor vehicles and to enforce the laws against driving without a license or registration or insurance! Hello? Just enforce the laws... the existing laws...
Land of idiocy!
Drain Replies to Shorten
13 hours ago
Gus, if you needed a driver's license to start a car or buy gas, I would agree with you.
But, they drive anyways ... and when they drive they can't get insurance ... and when they have an accident with someone, nobody pays....
It is better to track them, and collect a driver's license fee, then to simply say you can't get a license ... and watch them drive anyway.
That's true but by doing so you give them legitimacy.
Ray , why should someone here ILLEGALY be catered to like this? You say the "cant get" insurance. What makes you think giving these criminals the privelege to legally drive would cause them to suddenly decide it would be a good idea to get insurance? Having a license doesn't require it. Driving does. Lastly are you kidding, track them? Do you remember who is in the White House? Mister openboarders himself. I think he is rubbing off on you.
It's not about catering, it's about tracking. The problem is that we have been taught that driving is a priviledge, so we are offended when someone else is granted the priviledge.
The only problem with that is it is wrong. In our society driving is not a privilege, it is literally the only way to obtain food clothing and money for shelter.
We completely miss the point that it is also a primary way of tracking people. Where they live, etc. and who they are.
When you don't give Juan a license. When he is arrested this time he's Juan, next time he's Pedro, and after that he's Miguel. We never establish any kind of record, and we can't find him when he has committed a more serious crime.
I have to deal with it literally every week so I guess I know ... but it is probably more of a gift to illegals to not allow them to have license ... so they should say "Thanks Mike!, or more accurately "Gracias Senior Miguel!"
Well once again we must agree to disagree. Driving is a privilege. If you dont believe me you are free to check any number of court cases that have stated that as fact. Driving is not the "only" way to get around to obtain food clothing or money for shelter. Yhere are many alternatives such as bus, taxi, bike or even the good old stand by, one foot in front of the other. As for the name change whenever they are arrested, a drivers license will do little to stop that. I know of legals who have more than one license in morethan one name. Also tracking people by drivers license is just plin nonsense if the holder of the license does not want to be tracked. I know many people (legal) who one use ficticious addresses on their license as well as never change it when they move. So if you think that illegals will be any more honest you are fooling yourself. Oh and by the way i deal with it daily also, ihavebeen a cop the last 30 years. Addios Raymundo!
Well, that explains a lot. Re: Mike
Wow, that was totally unpredictable, Mike is a cop. Wow, no one could have seen that coming, said nobody ever.
It was so cool how you wanted to direct me to case law for the proposition that a driver's license is a privilege .. because obviously I wasn't talking about what has been ruled by the courts, I was discussing how necessary a license is to everyday life.
It was also illuminating that you suggested that people should just walk, I am sure that in the same situation you would do that (this should be read as sarcasm).
You never addressed how you would feel when your son's car was struck by an illegal driving a car and there was no insurance ... I am sure you would see it as totally unconnected with your position.
I don't think adios has two d's. And further, I believe my name in spanish would be Ramon, Miguel.
Ray, in your November 22 post you specifically state that driving is not a privilege. When I tried to direct you to the law on the subject I presumed that is what we were discussing. I'm sorry I cant read your mind. Also If you had read my last post I did not say that they should"just walk" I presented several alternative modes of transportation in addition to driving yourself. Unless you just like to spout useless dribble I have no clue where you are coming from about my son and an uninsured illegal. I have never spoken of any such situation. Actually there are quite a few legals driving with no insurance and insurance is NOT a requirement to have a drivers license so your bringing that up in a conversation about illegals and the question if a license is a privilege is just silly. I thought that you deal with those slippery illegals on a weekly basis. You remember, the ones that you deal with on a weekly basis. The onesyou couldtrace so easily ifthey had licenses. Your last post didnt respond to that at all. I guess thatmeans you agree with my last post then (not likely). Finally I apologize if I accidently hit an extra d when I spelled adios. I guess when youhave no real argument you have to find something to complain about so feel free. ADIOS Ramon or Ramundo or whatever you prefer.
Ray, all sniping aside we are talking about illegals. Not citizens not even legal resident non citizens, people who should not even be here tocause this conversation. Anyone who is here and has a license from their home country can legally drive with that license in their possession anyway, legality of immigration be damned. So why go through this exercise at all?
The following comment is from a reader, Brian. Thanks!
"Ray, here's why you're argument in support of this bill doesn't hold water...
"'The bill specifically states that the permits will not be used to identify who the person is. ... It can’t be used for identification. Period,' said Dale Righter, a Republican Senator from Mattoon. 'That’s one of the catch-22s in the bill. You want to use it to find out who you are dealing with, but that document is not supposed to be used to find out who you are dealing with.'
"This bill is utter nonsense. What makes supporters think that illegal’s will suddenly go get a license BECAUSE IT IS THE LAW? They are here illegally because they chose to IGNORE THE LAW. But now supporters of this bill think the illegal’s will abide by this one? Come on people. Pull your head out of your ...
"We are reaching a new low in this country if we must change the laws so illegal actions by some people (not to be confused with a citizen) is now legal."
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