Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cinco de Mayo - why in the U.S.?

I must admit to an adverse reaction to the Associated Press article about Cinco de Mayo, when I read "...when the nation celebrates Hispanic heritage."

I thought to myself, "Why is Cinco de Mayo celebrated in the U.S.?" What was fresh in my mind were the pictures of angry crowds in Phoenix and in California following Arizona's new get-tough law on illegal immigration.

I didn't have to look further than that "fountain of information" on to learn that the celebration is "...of Mexican culture and experiences of Americans with Mexican ancestry..." Somewhat like St. Patrick's Day and Oktoberfest, says Wikipedia. OK, I can live with that.

But when angry crowds start threatening people, looting and burning, that's not okay. And those actions must be quickly and firmly stopped. Cinco de Mayo is about something that happened in Mexico in 1862. It's not about Mexican independence in the United States.

It's not about taking over the United States, although that is already happening because of laxity about illegal aliens entering and staying in the United States. How quickly will the United States be taken over by the illegals?

It won't be long, thanks to the law that grants U.S. citizenship to anchor babies. In 20-30 years the United States will be unrecognizable, because the shift in voting to change that color and complexion of the government in Washington, D.C. and in many states.

Will that happen peacefully? Will that be allowed to happen peacefully? Will the new breed of legislators honor the horrendous debt of the United States?

At my age of 71, there's a good chance that I won't be around in 30 years to see what has happened. But I fear for my children and grandchildren. And my great-grandchildren, should there be some. Will they learn about this great country only in history books (assuming history is not re-written) and not know if as we do?


Richard W Gorski, M.D. said...

Could it be that the illegal hispanic inmates are running the agenda and the politicians are afraid to enforce the law because whoever does will loose that block of votes....but I thought that illegal immigrants were not allowed to vote. Obama enforce the law; you are going to probably be a one term President anyway so for once in your life do the right thing!

Unknown said...

Sadly, Doctor, your barking into the wind. The socalist Chicago political activist in the White House is oblivious to the will of the majority in our country. Every calculated political move he makes pushes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights further to the wall. Join me, celebrate the Battle of San Jacinto (April 21st, 1846) and honor the memories of the Texan patriots who died at the Alamo for independence. That's American history. On the whole, it is a truly glorious story. The battle lasted all of 18 minutes. The Mexicans had nearly twice as many men. We caught them napping, attacking while they were enjoying their siesta. Santa Ana escaped by changing into a private's uniform. But he was captured and identified when the other Mexican POWs started to addressed the man in the private's uniform as "El Presidente"... The Mexicans subsequently turned their backs on General Santa Ana. We don't need Cinco de Mayo, or The Treaty of Arbroath or Bastille Day if any of these 'independence day' celebrations advocate the nationalization of the USA by a foreign entity. Oh, I'm sorry, the Scots and French are perfectly happy where they are. I guess that just leaves our neighbors to the South. Blend in, follow the law and learn how to be Americans, like the rest of us immigrants have had to do for generations.