Just this week I began paying a little attention to the Saga of Paula Deen. It makes me sick. She is being victimized by the press and by a disgruntled (former?) employee.
OK, here's where I won't be shopping -
Home Depot
Who's left? Here are companies for me to do business with:
Alice Travel
Landles Candles
Random House
Metropolitan Cook and Entertaining Show
Springer Mountain Farms
Epicurean Butter
House Fire in Algonquin
1 hour ago
You have got to be kidding me. SHE'S the victim? Sometimes I just don't understand you, Gus.
Free speech means you are constitutionally protected. You can legally say what you want. The government can't attack you for it, but the privatesphere can. It doesn't mean others have to approve of or tolerate what you say. Just because you CAN say something doesn't mean you should.
Also, what about at will employment? Don't these companies have a legitimate concern? These companies don't want people to picket them. They are just acting as businesses do. They think that the cost of keeping her around is greater than the benefit of keeping her around. It's a cost benefit analysis.
Don't you remember what happened to Tiger Woods when he cheated on his wife? He lost all of his endorsements, and it was appropriate because he behaved inappropriately. The same goes for Paula Deen, in my opinion.
Yes,victim. Gus is right. She said the word thirty years ago and there is no evidence she uses it now or recently. She is being demonized by the ultra liberal leftist press aided by a cowardly group of retailers who are so afraid of losing a dollar that they will jump on any bandwagon. Yet the chief racebaiter of modern times, the " Reverend" Al Sharpton, gets his own television show despite all the things he has said or done in the past.
I'm with Gus and like him will boycott all the stores he mentioned.
I suggest asking your employer, co-workers, friends, store clerks and managers, family, etc., if they have ever, even once, said the N-word. Once. Like, once, maybe 30 years ago.
If they say "No", ask again. "Even once, even muttered under your breath? Like when you got cut off in traffic? And were alone in your car, where no one would hear you?"
Ask some "older" person - maybe somebody from Alabama, Mississippi, George, Tennessee. Ask how "the word" was used when they were kids.
And then ask (what do you call them now) some person-of-color, African American, Negro or black, "Have YOU ever used the N-word?"
But maybe, when you ask all these questions, don't say "N-word".
27 Years ago! If you have never said nigger, good for you. That rappers us it in their songs and that's OK? they can call us Crackers and Honkeys, but that's OK. Give me a break. She is getting screwed over by the media and hypocrites.
Yes and Tiger Woods got the raw end of the deal as well. While these companies can pick and choose their spokes people, what he may or may not have done in his personal life is none of their business. If they dont like that kind of behavior from a spokes person, fine, let him go. But to publicly crusify this guy or anyone else over it is insane. I suppose you have never done ANYTHING that SOMEONE else might object to. If that is true congratulations Saint Joseph otherwise give it a rest.
Finally someone has the groin to say what many others are thinking!!! Good for you Maverick 50
Big Daddy/anonymous coward- you may want to read the specifics of the complaint that was filed by a white female employee of Ms. Deen's:
"...Paula Deen, while planning her brother's wedding in 2007, was asked what look the wedding should have. She replied, "I want a true southern plantation-style wedding." When asked what type of uniforms the servers should wear, Paula stated, "well what I would really like is a bunch of little n*ggers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around..."
I could attempt to make a joke about ignorant white trash that can't do basic subtraction(2014-2007=6, not 27 or 30), but will refrain from doing so.
When you are a public figure your private life is public. I didn't make the rules and I never claimed I was perfect.
I'm not arguing about your "honkey" point nor am I surprised a 66 year old woman from Georgia has said the word at some point in your life.
That being said, John is on to something. I think it's worse than you all think. It wasn't "once 27 years ago". She calls her employees her "little monkeys". Is that supposed to be endearing?
I am not shocked that she said the word and I am not shocked that she got fired. What did you think would happen when the media found out she said that word? Does any white person ever say that word and NOT get "crucified"? The media shouldn't crucify her? The media feeds off of sensationalism. I didn't make the rules. (It's ironic I even have to point out sensationalism on this blog)
"Ask how it was used when they were younger" I know how it was used. It was used commonly because it was a common belief that blacks were second class citizens. Just because somebody was raised to be bigoted doesn't mean it's correct.
Check this out - what former President Jimmy Carter had to say: http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/28/us/georgia-carter-deen/index.html?iref=allsearch
Gus, If this happened one time many years ago it would not be a big deal. It is my opinion that people's careers should not be ended by simply using a word however I think its different when the word is used in a degrading manor. Clearly we have a double standard and people are hypersensitive in this county because black people use racial slurs all the time and nobody seems to care. On the other hand Joseph brings up a good point... there is more to the story than her just using the N word. It seems like most media either omits or glazes over the details which is probably why there is a lot of confusion about it
John Lovaas, you can utilize the adolescent tactic of calling others names by calling me white trash all you want, you can question my ability to solve simple mathmatical equations all you want, you can even call me a coward as often as you like,but what you CANNOT do is deny the FACT that the complaint you mention is an allegation, nothing more. You CANNOT deny the fact that lawsuits like this are a dime a dozen, they mean nothing. Her ALLEGATION is nothing more than that-an ALLEGATION. It is not fact nor is it evidence. And until any evidence is presented in court as evidence, it remains what it is. Nothing. Perhaps YOU like to make a judgement based upon what you hear or see in the newsmedia. I don't. I prefer to wait and see what if any, the evidence is.
Oh, BTW John, it's still 2013, not 2014. So before you ridicule the " ignorant white trash that can't do basic subtraction", you might consider re-examining your own basic subtraction skills because 2014-2007 is 7, not 6.
I never hear you crybaby liberals say anything when some black person uses the terms honkey or cracker or any other such terms. Are you so full of liberal white guilt that you have to beat up on whites while giving blacks a complete pass? Who made you the judge on what is right or wrong in someones speach? Worry about yourself instead of trying to decide for everyone else what should or should not be said.
If the media is missing anything it is any remarks made by blacks against whites. The media are just as much holyer than thou liberals as you people who think they should be the ones who determine what should or should not be said. If you dont like what she has to say dont listen. If you dont want to patronize a business she is invoved with dont. But get over your idea that your way is the only way.
Here here!!!!
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