"6 dead among 26 shot Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning"
That was the headline in this morning's Chicago Tribune. And that's just one day.
Obviously, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy have lost control of Chicago. They both should be ridden out of town on rails. Just don't bring them this way.
It will very likely take the Illinois State Police and the Illinois National Guard, if not Federal troops, to restore order and safety in the City of Chicago.
How long will it take before law and order are restored?
Look at the dumb plan reported by the Chicago Sun-Times. According to an AP article, "The Chicago Sun-Times reported Saturday that 600 adults will be hired
next month to work along the routes, which are being established to make
sure students from closed schools can get to their new schools safely."
Read the Sun-Times article here. Right ... hire people to stand on walking routes and call the police when students are threatened. No money to keep the schools open, but hire walker-watchers.
It's time to take back the streets. I plan to re-read Let's Take Back Our Streets! Chief Reuben Greenberg (retired), of the Charleston, S.C. P.D. wrote it, and it was published in 1989. I hope to meet him on this summer's motorcycle trip through North Carolina, where he now lives. I'll take along his book, in hopes of getting it autographed.
My favorite story about Chief Greenberg is that, when he was a rookie, he got involved in an accident on the way to a call. It was his fault, and he wrote himself a ticket. Now that's my kind of cop!
House Fire in Algonquin
2 hours ago
There is nothing that the Illinois State Police or the National Guard can or will do that the Chicago Police are not already doing or have done. This goes alot deeper than that and both society and the government are going to have to make hard decisions soon,decisions they don't want to make.
BTW Gus, the Chief you mentioned from down south is an idiot. Anyone can grandstand which is what he was doing when he wrote himselfa ticket. It wasn't a display of integrity,honesty nor did t make him an exceptional policeman. I've seen it done before and in every instance the officer that did that was just a goof trying to get noticed.
Big Daddy, I respectfully disagree.
CPD is hampered by "old-style" policing and is not respected in the roughest neighborhoods.
If the State Police (and/or the National Guard) came in and, block by block, reclaimed neighborhoods, then CPD officers could resume regular policing.
Maybe much like Viet Nam and, more recently, Afghanistan and Iraq. "We" are fighting the enemy the "old" way, rather than adapting to what is really happening. That's why "we" are losing.
Big Daddy, again I respectfully disagree. When Greenberg wrote himself a ticket, he was a rookie cop.
Same with the chief in Wisconsin who wrote himself a ticket for a schoolbus violation. I don't believe he was grandstanding.
Gus, on what basis do you make the claim that Chicago is hampered by "old style policing"? As a matter of what, tell what "old style policing" is. Tell me how that contrasts with what I guess you would call "new style policing". What is your resume in Chicago policing or policing anywhere for that matter? When is the last time you worked or visited Austin, Fillmore, Englewood or South Chicago? When was your last ride along with Policemen in any of those districts? Do you even know where they are?
I have found you and your blog in the past to be somewhat both amusing and informative at the same time. Even enjoyable. But when post things like you did in post number three, I'm beginning to doubt that. To insinuate that or compare what we do in Iraq or Afghanistan to what we should do in Chicago by stating that it could be taken back block by block or that the Illinois State Police would do a better job or that the National Guard should be called in shows that you have a profound lack of understanding in how to solve the problem. Or that you even know what the problem really is. It may interest you to know Gus that the ISP is in worse shape than the CPD and hardly have the manner power, the troopers or the desire to become involved in what's happening in Chicago. As far as the NG, are you ready to declare martial law Gus? Do you think it should be declared Gus?
Gus, have you ever heard of this pesky little thing called The Constitution? The ACLU? The Peoples Law Office? The mainstream news media? Yes the main stream newsmedia, the people that love to put "eyewitnesses" to an incident on television so they can claim they witnessed whatever even though they were not even in the same county.
Gus, have you ever worked with the Cook County States Attornies Office? You know, the office that is charged with approving all felonies except dope? You know, the guys that will bend over backwards to deny charges even though they have enough evidence that any first year law student could gain a conviction on? The guys that actually ignore existing law and right their own? Ever hear of them Gus?
Respect. Gus, the criminal element probably never respected the Police. But that's OK as it's always been a two way street. But they FEARED us Gus. That's the difference. And do you know why Gus? Because the CPD now engages in what you would probably call new or more modern methods of policing. And there is the problem Gus. Were the CPD allowed to go back to "old style policing" the problems on the west and southsides of Chicago would disappear. But until you let the police be the police the homicide rate or agg batt rate in Chicago will be high.
It's real easy to sit in a suburb and tell others miles away how to solve their problems when you get all your information from the msm. Try reaching out to those that toil in the trenches on a daily basis in the most corrupt judicial and political system in the world. Then perhaps you will have an educated opoinion of the root causes of the violence and how to solve it.
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