Friday, September 14, 2012

Video Gaming - Woodstock?

Should the City of Woodstock allow video gaming within its City Limits?

At the September 18th City Council meeting (Tuesday, Sept. 18, 7:00PM, City Hall) the City Council will begin discussion about the video gaming issue here. According to the posted agenda for this meeting, Item 5 is a Discussion Item (only).

If you have an opinion on video gaming in Woodstock, you will want to attend Tuesday night's meeting and hear the discussion. You may or may not have an opportunity to speak on the topic that night. A discussion item means just that. It is to be discussed. No decision is to be made. No vote - up or down - is to be taken.

If you wish to communicate with your City Council members, you can find their names and email addresses on the City's website at  Once you are there, look down the left side and click on City Council; then scroll down for names and contact information.

The City Council will obviously be looking at jumping on the bandwagon and sucking up revenues from those who seeks their fortunes through the "entertainment" of video gaming. They will also explore the cost of saying "No", knowing that the suckers will just drive into the County or to the next town and blow their dough there.

Typically, video gaming is allowed only in drinking establishments. I guess there is a good reason for that. After a bunch of drinks, the gambler will loose track of how much money he is losing and keep betting until he runs out of money.

You probably won't see video gaming at your local grocery store, fast-food joint or retail gift store.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Having worked in an establishment that has video poker machines I can tell you with absolute certainty how they are "fixed" week to week by the owners of the machines. I observed the manager tell the vendor that he wanted to not have to pay out that week and the games were set to not pay out. This was a weekly conversation that I heard. I then watched they poor schmucks dump their monies into those machines. I can tell you that I believe they should NOT be allowed because of the racketeering involved. They are set to take and not give. :(