Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is double-dipping okay? (I don't mean at DQ)

How do you feel about double-dippers? No, not the Jerry Seinfeld type. And not double-dips at DQ or Baskin-Robbins.

The double-dippers to whom I'm referring are those politicians who hold (and get paid for) two elected offices.

Bob Anderson, popularly known as the guy who wants to abolish townships in Illinois, has gotten a referendum on the McHenry County November 6 ballot that will read, "Should Illinois law permit an individual to hold two or more offices simultaneously?"

I guess I would have preferred slightly different wording: "Should Illinois law prohibit an individual from holding two or more elected offices simultaneously?"

Anderson gives an example on a hand-out at his Wonder Lake barbershop. "Former State Senator Bill Peterson paid $83,804 from State at the same time paid $90,000 as Vernon Hills Township Supervisor. (paid Supervisor over 30 years)"

When Bob addressed the McHenry County Board recently, one member told him she didn't think it was a good idea to prohibit double-dipping. Her reason? There might not be enough people to fill the offices.

Was this a case of "open mouth, insert foot"? Not enough people to fill an elected office that actually pays some money? Really? The line forms to the right.

A similar referendum before the DuPage County passed 16-0. How did it fare in McHenry County? The vote was 11-9. It just squeaked by. One less "Yes" vote would have meant a tie (and a loss).

What's so different about McHenry County? It should have been 24-0 (or at least 20-0). Why would the Board not want to know the opinion of residents and voters?

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