Sunday, November 6, 2011

Advice for "Occupy" Protesters

Marybeth Hicks ( has some great advice for the protestors who are personally responsible for disrupting the economy with their stupid protests. Can you figure out where I stand on this?

Check out her website for her advice. She asks, "Who parented these kids?"

In summary, it's 

• Life isn’t fair. 
• Nothing is “free.” 
• Your word is your bond. 
• A protest is not a party. 
• There are reasons you haven’t found jobs. The truth? Your tattooed necks, gauged ears, facial piercings and dirty dreadlocks are off-putting.


Karen30036 said...

Jezuzz ... think for yourself and quit buying the propaganda.

Quit passing judgement on people because of the way they look.
By the way, the protesters I've seen come from ALL walks, not there to "party" and are protesting for YOUR rights as well as theirs ... including the war veterans getting clubbed and beaten.

Karen30036 said...

Life isn't fair ...
Nothing is free ...

Well no kidding Ms. Hicks. Appropriate name by the way...

Who raised these kids?
I did!!!!
Who raised you to be a robot,a judgeMENTAL talking head, lady?

I too can produce atricles and you tube videos that state my side.

I've been working since the age of 16, raised 2 kids (because I couldn't AFFORD more)and STILL working. Much of my time is spent fighting to keep it. My checks don't make it week to week ... oh go out and get 2 jobs Karen! Bite me! Quit raising the cost of living 100% as I try to survive on 2% raise last year and none this year.

FatParalegal said...

Karen nailed it right there with the last sentence. Thank you Karen!!!

Justin said...

Karen, the CPI only rose 2% and actually decreased last year which is DEFLATION. Remember the worries of STAGFLATION? The columnist last comment was the most cogent. ” Occupy reality: Only 4 percent of college graduates are out of work. If you are among that 4 percent, find a mirror and face the problem. It’s not them. It’s you.

Wall Street didn’t create the problem. Fannie and Freddie did. Zero down loans to people with no jobs? Sen. Dodd and Barney Frank created the problem. Why aren’t they marching on Frank’s office?

Yes some big shots make lots of money but THEY did not cause the problem,

These people are drinking the Kool-Aid. If we keep on the path of SPEND SPEND SPEND, we will soon be like Greece and other socialist countries also nearly bankrupt. France and Spain are in dire straits. These Occupy Wall Street people want more socialism, more Gov’t. For every dollar of aid or spending we borrow 40 cents from China.

John Lovaas said...

@ConcernedCitizen- It is a stretch to say that Fannie and Freddie contributed to our current financial situation by making questionable loans to home buyers, considering that neither Fannie or Freddie make home loans- they merely securitize mortgages so that lenders can secure more capital to make more loans.

Who made stupid loan decisions? Lenders. Who were the lenders? Not Fannie and Freddie.

Justin said...

This is a very informative talk. Fannie and Freddie set the tone and banks were basically FORCED to make they loans. The mortgage brokers made terrible loans and bundled them.

Ray said...

That was a very informative talk given by Newt Gingrich ... priceless. Do you have the video where he talks about family values?

But Newt's 2+2=4 speech is actually a lie. He says the problem was the governement making the money easier to borrow, but he forgets that the reason the money was made easier to borrow was because the banks discovered that they could package and resell these crap loans and have them rated triple A. That was how you got a problem so big.

Why do these guys always lie about this stuff? That's a better question.

RicochetRabbit said...

John, I must educate you since it appears you are sadly misinformed about the role of Fannie and Freddie in the huge mess we are in.

Fannie Mae and smaller Freddie Mac OWN or GUARANTEE a massive proportion of all home loans in the United States. Our government guarantees through legislation over $5 trillion on debt owned or guaranteed by the two companies. Fannie Mae was established in 1938 to provide local banks with federal money to finance home mortgages in an attempt to raise levels of home ownership and the availability of affordable housing. Fannie Mae issued its first mortgages via a pass through and called a mortgage-backed security. That is YOU and ME. The banks don’t loose, TAXPAYERS do. Fannie Mae via Dodd and Frank expanded this so that Freddie Mac were allowed to hold less capital than normal financial institutions: e.g., they were allowed to sell mortgage-backed securities with only half as much capital backing them up as would be required of other financial institutions. Often loans were issued to people with NO MEANS TO PAY THEM. When loans went upside down or defaulted, Fannie and Freddie (you and me my friend) had to back these loans. Since the mortgage brokers were making money on the front end selling mortgages to people that don’t deserve them because Dodd and Frank and their democrat cronies pushed the "a house for everyone” regardless of ability to pay, we had a crisis. Billionaires like George Soros bought defective paper and made huge profits because FANNIE AND FREDDIE paid them back the principle with interest.

Also Ray, I can't understand why liberals can't understand that these socialist policies are the damnation of this country.

Karen30036 said...

Next will be Nancy Reagan and her "Just Say No" speech, slurred by her valium buzz ...

John Lovaas said...

@RichochetRabbit/anonymous coward- as you- and Ray and myself- have all pointed out, Fanny and Freddie did not make any loans. They securitized them, offering protection to the banks and lenders.

As you have also pointed out, the lenders made the bad loans. They failed in their duties- they committed fraud- they cheated.

Is an insurance company somehow to blame for tempting an individual into burning their own house down for the insurance money? I don't believe so.

The guarantors are not responsible for the behavior of the participating bank or lender- the bank and lenders are. They are adults, not children.

RicochetRabbit said...

Take a few minutes and watch this. Fannie and Freddie OWN these mortgages and had they NOT purchased these BAD loans as ENCOURAGED by the democrats, the problem would not have been as bad.

BUSH warned Congress and the refused to reign in the practice of backing bad loan.

Ray said...

RR "these socialist policies ARE the country."

Ray said...

Oh, and RR ... you really don't understand FNMA or FHMLC, I can tell by what you have said that you are a true believer, that is you truly believe what someone told you about these programs.

I am going to guess that the next thing you will say is that it's all Obama's fault, or some other partisan crap like that.

While it's funny, to those who know better, do a little reading and you will catch right up.

RicochetRabbit said...

Read the news Ray or listen to MSNBC? (Business Channel) Fannie needs another huge bailout for its BAD LOANS. Is your ponytail draining brain cells or are YOU the one that refuses to understand how the Gov't caused this mess by allowing the misuse of Fannie loans? Yes this was before Obummer, but the democratic controlled Congress (hoodwinked by Dodd and Frank) refused the warning of many renowned economists.

Well have to agree to disagree.

Nuff said

Ray said...

RR if you are referring to "the governments" repeal of Glass–Steagall Act of 1932, I guess you are right. Your argument seems to go --it's the government's fault for what the lobbyists paid for? I guess?

And the ad hominem attack was very classy. As has been said before everyone is brave when they are annonymous, I trust you wouldn't be that stupid with your real name or in person. lulz.