It's not long, but perhaps every American, young and old, should watch this. Especially the younger generation. And those who don't want to watch it. Make 'em watch it. Shut off their iPhones; take away the TV; make 'em sit still and watch it. And then discuss it.
Drain Replies to Shorten
13 hours ago
There are reasons you haven’t found jobs. The truth? Your tattooed necks, gauged ears, facial piercings and dirty dreadlocks are off-putting. Nonconformity for the sake of nonconformity isn’t a virtue. Occupy reality: Only 4 percent of college graduates are out of work. If you are among that 4 percent, find a mirror and face the problem. It’s not them. It’s you.
Yeah, it's the poor peoples fault! LOL
Karen, the CPI only rose 2% and actually decreased last year which is DEFLATION. Remember the worries of STAGFLATION? The columnist last comment was the most cogent. ” Occupy reality: Only 4 percent of college graduates are out of work. If you are among that 4 percent, find a mirror and face the problem. It’s not them. It’s you.
Wall Street didn’t create the problem. Fannie and Freddie did. Zero down loans to people with no jobs? Sen. Dodd and Barney Frank created the problem. Why aren’t they marching =on Frank’s office? Yes some big shots make lots of money but THEY did not cause the problem,
These people are drinking the Kool-Aid. If we keep on the path of SPEND SPEND SPEND, we will; be like Greece and other socialist countries also nearly bankrupt. France and Spain are in dire straits. These Occupy Wall Street people want more socialism, more Gov’t. For every dollar of aid or spending we borrow 40 cents from China.
Concerned, you are too funny. First you start off with Wall Street didn't create the problem. I guess that depends on how you define the words Wall Street and problem. Goldman Sachs, Countrywide, created derivatives that were meant to fail. In common language this means CHEATING. Former Goldman Sachs executives urged the government to pay off all of the bets against those securities, thus the bailouts.
Fannie and Freddie are units of government that make housing markets. They do not buy mortgages or sell them, they provide the funding for mortgages. They never led the mortgage making market, they did take on the crap mortgages that Sachs and other created. To suggest that Fannie and Freddie created the mess is to show you don't know what the problem is.
Stating that these problems were caused by anything but banks playing fast and loose with derivatives, is to be incorrect. Further, stating that those problems could have occurred if Glass-Steagel had not been repealed is fantasy.
I am not going to speak for the protesters because I do not believe they have been all that clear, however, I can tell you what the problem is ... and it is not corporations, or rich people. It is CHEATERS. People who have gamed the system and made billions of dollars.
The idiot featured on the video is trying to shift the debate. He wants to argue that all you protesters are too soft--and that being against corporations is stupid. Can't argue with that -- oh except that is NOT WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT....
It's all about cheaters. People who took advantage of the situation and STOLE money from all of us. Any other discussion is just a distraction or deflection (as Gus would say).
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