A huge event is planned for Emricson Park this coming week-end - July 18. The Gavers Barndance will be held in Woodstock. According to the ad in today's paper "Maximum tickets to be sold - 2500!"
No doubt that it's a worthwhile benefit. Proceeds are distributed for cancer research, awareness, education and other purposes benefiting the public.
But I hadn't heard about the concert on Friday night "under the Big Tent" until reading another ad in today's paper.
Is Emricson Park a good venue for a concert? Isn't parking a huge problem there? Don't drivers already park on the grass, in violation of signs in the Park?
The City Council apparently took care of that on June 16, when it approved the Friday night concert, permission for alcoholic beverages and "temporary parking restrictions" in the Consent Calendar.
Heaven help the family that wants to have a beer with their barbecue at a picnic in Emricson Park. It'll be off to jail, if they try that. But it's okay to have a big fundraiser with hundreds, if not thousands, of people in a City Park, and then license alcohol service. Of course, you have to buy it and consume it there.
How will parking be handled on Friday and Saturday? And who will pay for restoration of the park grounds that get torn up by cars and trucks parked on the grass? Will City property owners bear that cost? Will police ticket illegally parked cars? Will they tow cars from Emergency Parking areas or by fire plugs or blocking drives? (You can stop laughing now.)
The Barndance is scheduled for one night - Saturday, until midnight. What's the reason for a liquor license that includes Sunday, April 19?
The ad says that you "must be 21 years or older to attend." Thanks for locking out the teenagers who might like to attend this event in our tax-supported City Park. This must have to do with the liquor license. But can't parents and other adults be responsible for observing the Age 21 requirement for liquor consumption and service?
And does the Woodstock Police Department have a plan to enforce the laws against drunk drivers? Not that anyone, of course, would imbibe to excess at a fundraiser at a City Park.
Does the Barndance provide its own security detail or does it contract with the Woodstock Police Department to hire off-duty officers? Or does it reimburse WPD for overtime of its officers for the additional patrols there? Or does the Sheriff's Department still charge $40.00/hour for off-duty deputies?
Hopefully, the police presence Friday and Saturday nights will be invisible. It's very unlikely they will be needed. But they should be available, if needed. And, if they are visible, they should be distributed around the Park and not congregate in tight groups.
A quick search on Ticketmaster.com for ticket prices for the Pat Green concert on Friday indicates that a ticket will set you back $29.00 (plus Ticketmaster convenience fee of $7.25 plus delivery fee, if any (no fee for Will Call)). I laughed at the cyber-code required to view seating, which turns out to be general seating: "boozing". How appropriate for a City Park event ticket!
Are these events cost-neutral to the City of Woodstock?
Drain Replies to Shorten
14 hours ago
1 comment:
People wanted to have a good time so you were not informed nor invited.
They didn't want some sniffly old man snapping pictures of them, their cars, or whatever.
Stay home, stay in your rocking chair, and leave the general public alone.
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