Thursday, August 21, 2008

You Made My Day!

Every once in a while, just often enough, someone comes along and says, "Thanks!" In my mail today I received a letter (yes! a real letter!) thanking me for providing on-going information that helps others know what is really going on in a certain situation.

That person, and others, must survive in a closed society where questioning is frowned up. Information is invited from others, and within a few days some focused topics will be aired.

If you have some information to air or vent about, you can email it to me at or you can mail it to me at P.O. Box 1222, Woodstock, IL 60098. Confidentiality is assured, once your communication reaches me. I shall not use your name or any factors that could be used to identify you. You can email, write or telephone me.

To the person who wrote to me this week, thanks! Your letter means a lot to me. And thanks also for tips on stories that you'll begin seeing here in the near future. Your encouragement not to "give up" was appreciated. Don't worry; I missed the class about giving up!

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