Sunday evening, 7:30PM
Location: Dean St., alongside Angelo's Restaurant
Why is it that the City of Woodstock appears to be impotent in addressing and resolving this long-time problem outside Angelo's Restaurant on the Square?
One resident told me that this problem has existed for more than 20 years. Can that really be the case? Trust me; I am not questioning this resident's statement. But how can a City tolerate a problem like this for so long and be so ineffective at resolving it?
I think it was about 2 1/2 years ago that the City Manager told me that an agreement with Angelo's Restaurant had been reached and that Angelo's would place all trash in lidded, wheeled containers. An agreement may have been reached, but it has never been honored.
The problem tonight? Three rows of containers/bags wide extend from the restaurant wall toward the curb and block more than 50% of the sidewalk. Notice the number of trash bags. Notice also the cardboard boxes containing trash. Noctural animals shouldn't have any problem having a feast there tonight.
Somewhere in its personnel structure there should be a City employee with the authority to get compliance with that agreement of 2 1/2 years ago or to commence legal action against Angelo's. I've written to the City to ask who that person is.
The time for "talking" has passed. How about a solution by September 30? Actually, how about by August 31, in view of the time and attention that have already been devoted to it?
The only problem here is you. Find something else to fill up your day. Where do you expect them to put all of their trash? Theres no back alley that it can be hid in. Restaurants produce trash, you produce useless gripes and no change comes from either.
This interests you so much, you give them a solution to this ongoing problem. Isn't that what an advocate is? Making this a better place for everyone? Thats why you will never become a code enforcement officer.
Why would you think that I want to become a code enforcement officer? I think you have confused advocate with mediator. And why do you publish my image with your screen name?
Why don't you come out of the closet? Publish under your own name and with your own photo.
And where would the fun be in that? Its just killing you not knowing who I am. Its not your photo its mine. You didnt make that moron.
All you care about is if everything is up to code. Change your name to The Woodstock Hypocrite.
No, I doubt that is your photo, but I could be wrong. Meet me at 656 Lake Avenue (you name the date and time), and we'll see to what extent you resemble my picture.
And, by the way, it is not "killing" me not to know your name. And it won't even kill me when I do.
There is no privacy to anything you post on the INTERNET. So the police will just laugh at your pathetic attempt to unmask your enemy.
If it wasn't "killing" you, you wouldn't be trying to get me to show my face.
I just wonder what people who see you doing this are thinking. The only person who like to take pictures of trash. Great hobby!
I still think the best idea would be for Gus to go down to Angelo's right before pickup and get the trash out. Just think-no real or imagined smell (whatever that is, no cost to Angelo's, saves the city money on code enforcement and Gus could finally say he really did do something to make Woodstock a better place. The Code Enforcement thing? FOIA!
"The Code Enforcement thing? FOIA."
What in the world are you talking about?
Its illegal in many states to arrange a meeting with a minor. How about I go to this location and tell the cops what you are up to.
I don't have a clue what you are talking about. The telephone number for the Woodstock Police Department is 815.338.2131
Why don't you call them today? Speak to Chief Robert Lowen. By the way, be sure to identify yourself, when you call him.
I read most of your "beefs" on here, of which some are quite valid and informational; however, you have a tendency to go "over the top." Not to be overly harsh, but most of the time you sound like the kid who was picked on in high school who is now attempting to get his vengence. The problem I see with this is that every time someone "calls you out," you want to run to the police. Even in this very post you encourage "letsgetridofgus" to call Chief Lowen. Why?! Don't you think the Chief of Police probably has many more important things to do that worry about a squabble on your blog site? And to think that you are always so critical of the Chief... What gives, bud?
Trash on the sidewalk next to Angelo's restaurant... What's the big deal? Does this bother anyone but you? How often is the trash there - is it not only there on gargabe nights? What other suggestions are there for Angelo's and their trash? It's a friggin' restaurant for Pete's sake - of course it's going to generate more trash than a residence (except for the homes that have 8 families living in them)! You should rethink your opinion on this subject.
Before you try to attack my intelligence, courage, etc., I work in a public profession and I have more formal education than most people. And, no, I'm not ever going to meet you at the police department or call the Chief - those suggestions are not only ridiculous, but completely a waste of the police department's time. We can have our discourse here...
pott gusphil, thank you for your well-written comments and the polite manner in which you have presented them. You need have no concern about any "attack" from me.
May I explain my "calling out" of the one mentioned? That individual has committed the Class 3 felony offense of cyberstalking. This is currently in the hands of the Woodstock Police Department and the McHenry County State's Attorney's Office.
Information about the statute can be viewed on the Illinois State Police.
I invite and welcome comments, whether or not they agree with mine. When they contain threats, insinuations, libel, harassment and other unlawful content or style, I refuse to let them pass. I post them, so that others can understand certain elements of our population in Woodstock. I post them, also, to aid in the prosecution of those who have written them.
The net (and I don't mean the "internet") is closing on them.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment.
Regarding Angelo's, does anyone else care? Yes, they do, and they aren't willing to step into the fray. Where is the Chamber of Commerce on this issue? Where is the WDBA, which is working hard to earn an important civic designation for Woodstock? Where is the City itself?
The gem of Woodstock is right across the street from Angelo's. Why should patrons of the Opera House be exposed to numerous trash containers, bags and boxes placed on the sidewalk (blocking most of it!) in the early evening?
The subliminal message received by passersby is that Woodstock really doesn't care. Does it?
Thanks for your clarifications - the back-and-forth between you two makes more sense now.
While I see your point about the garbage, I disagree that it is the nuisance you believe it to be. What was the resolution/previous agreement you reference between Angelo's and the City?
I have to agree with pott. Although the garbage might stink and be an eye sore, I don't think it is sending the message that you are perceiving it to be.
I think that if EVERY business were to leave out trash and have little concern for those who visit our town, that would certainly be a problem.
The problem really is that Angelos doesn't have another location for their trash. I would even go as far as to think that even the management wishes that they had another location for it. Who wants to keep trash outside their restaurant?
Pott Gusphil, in November (2005? 2004?) the City Manager informed me that the City had reached an agreement with Angelo's Restaurant. The agreement was that trash would be placed in plastic containers with lids, such as the wheeled, lidded containers available from Marengo Disposal.
That seemed a good solution. The trash was to be placed inside the containers and the lids were to close (and be closed).
It never happened. There are 2-3 small green, lidded containers that are filled to overflowing and which either don't have lids or the lids are left open, exposing the contents to the view of passersby. Next to these containers are multiple bags of trash and cardboard boxes with more trash.
The City is pretty good at working out agreements that don't ruffle too many feathers. For some unknown reason, the City has chosen to avoid resolving this problem.
Why doesn't Angelo's put the trash out late at night, just before closing, or early in the morning, just before Marengo Disposal is scheduled to arrive?
for you information the garbage does go out at nite before the business closes. trash is out around 9pm. why would u like the trash inside? did u ever hear if cleaning up?, keeping it inside can pose a hazard. lifting the FULL cans up stair cases can be a hazard too. u really need to see all cans that are out, not just from this specific business. all eateries that are in similiar cicumstances do the same. check out the bars on "skid row". the ITALIAN joint, the new cafe, and athe attorneys that just leave bags out that are not in cans. also u have to quit assuming that its angelos trash, did u ever stop and think part of the trash is from the apts, above the lawyers offices, or the other offices in that building also? I dont think u did, due to the fact that your worse than a horse with blinders on. if ur so concerned about it why dont u approach the owner. or better yet buy the building and and the business and evict the tenant. personally most people are understanding of the circumstances and believe me the owner wishes he had a place for a dumpster that is enclose. things are bad enough around town and the county,state, and the country as a whole, why would u want to add fuel to the fire it wont solve anything. other than cause anomosity, between gov. and business, and patrons of business. P.S. any ordinance the city may pass existing business may be grandfathered in so it would be a waste of time. GUS do us all a favor and be an advocate for serious matters.
Geesh, Gus... It's Sunday evening. I might be mistaken, but doesn't the square pretty much close down late Sunday afternoon? Angelo's is a good establishment, and aside from this minor gaffe, appears to be a good citizen with a long and essentially positive reputation in the community.
Maybe it is technically wrong, but I really don't think that many other people beside you care that much. It seems like you've let this minor infraction festor to be a bigger deal (to you) than in reality it must actually be.
I can only speak hypothetically because you no doubt have a more thorough knowledge of the history the issue that most people, but I've got to think that if it really were a big deal, and businesses and tourist locations were affected, the city would undoubted be hearing about it from many others beside yourself. The result would be that Angelo's would be forced to take action. But the truth is probably closer to it not actually being that big of a deal to most people.
I don't at all mean to be disparaging, but if feel sort of sad for people like you and Wayne (the Viking Dodge guy you have such an affinity for). While you both may have legitimate legal gripes (or at least quasi-legitimate gripes), it just seems like you could be using the limited time that we have more fully, and less antagonistically.
I realize you would quickly argue that you do feel you live a full life, and that you truly believe you are advocating some greater good. (I obvously am not going to win an argument where the topic is subjective nature of your quality of life, and I suppose that the utility you derive from your behavior is significantly more than a what an average person might experience.) But it is hard for me to believe that your time could not be spent more profitably, rather than living a life that ostensibly is occupied with vengence and self-rightousness. I don't mean that disrespectfully, I'm just not sure there is a softer way to put it while still meaning the same thing.
One last thing - I'm sorry about the people who treat you like a jerk on your board here. I rarely (read: essentially never) agree with you, and I do find some of the things you do pretty offensive, but I also think you deserve to be treated fairly, even if the actions you take are, in my opinion, disrespectful of vengeful toward many your neighbors. Sometimes it may just be better to let the little things go. Afterall, we life in an imperfect world full of imperfect people.
cyberstalker, the first line in the article was "Sunday evening, 7:30PM." Many evenings the trash is out that early; sometimes, earlier.
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