On my way back to Woodstock this afternoon after following the jerk in the Dodge 4x4 truck south on Route 47, I was heading north on Dean Street past the new schools between Lucas Road and U.S. 14. The speed limit there (at Hercules Road) is 40MPH and, you guessed it, I was right on 40. All to the ire of a guy in a black Dodge pick-up truck (no, not the same one as in Story #1).
This was not my day to be in the way of nuts driving Dodge pick-ups; that's for sure. Just as we arrived at the 50MPH and I began to speed up, the driver of the Dodge Dakota pick-up (Illinois license 64 166F) decided that it was time to get past me, and pass me he did! (Click on the photo to enlarge it and read the license plate number for yourself.)
One of my pet peeves is drivers who simply "must" pass. And where did I catch up with him, even after slowing down to 45MPH and then to 35MPH approaching U.S. 14? Right at the red light at Dean St. and U.S. 14. A lot of time he saved; right?
I recall the words of an insurance client in Denver who told me how other drivers view red cars. He told me that a red car was like a red flag to a bull. Red makes other drivers angry. Think there is anything to that?
Unfortunately we cannot do anything about the luck of the lights changing. However slow red cars can be passed. My time is important to me your time is important to you. You use yours how you wish and I'll do the same with mine.
Perhaps you missed the point. What you call a "slow" red car, traveling at the posted speed limit, is not to be passed. Yes, it "can" be passed, but that makes the driver operating his vehicle in violation of state law.
I got my one and only speeding ticket in 53 years of driving when I was 16. The judge told me to calculate how much time I saved by speeding. Not much; only seconds if I drove from one end of town to the other at the speed for which I was ticketed. I have always remembered his order. And I have always remembered the courtesy of the first police officer whom I encountered.
Lucky you. Again, you use your time and I'll use mine. I didn't miss any point that you didn't as well.
Its funny how you complain about high gas prices when you drive around aimlessly following drivers that need to get around the red obstacle in the road way. You are not even worthy to be called an advocate.
By the way, your windshield needs a cleaning.
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