These Patriot Guard motorcycle riders, along with about ten others and two escort vehicles, were in town on Saturday for the ceremony at the Opera House prior to the deployment of Delta Company members who are headed for Afghanistan.
They didn't seem to have any trouble finding a parking place right in front of the Opera House.
After the ceremony, they headed out of town, traveling east on Calhoun. When they got to the stop sign at Madison Street, they turned left. All of them. The escort vehicle stopped. Only the escort vehicle stopped. When it made its left turn, all the motorcycles followed it right through the stop sign, and the following escort vehicle also ran right through the stop sign.
That's one of the reasons I don't go on motorcycle charity rides. The first motorcycle in a pack stops; when the first rider starts up, all the others just sail right through the stop sign on the first biker's stop.
A parade permit may entitle vehicles to proceed through stop signs. Leaving town wasn't a parade. They were just heading out of town. Next time they come to Woodstock, they should be reminded to stop at stop signs.
Luckily, no westbound vehicle on Calhoun popped over the railroad tracks, expecting a clean run right through the intersection at Madison St. Very lucky...
I don't know what town you were in but there was at least three cops with flashing lights in front of this parade and four behind it. You just have to find fault with everything. Instead of actually supporting the troops, you go around finding fault with their escort leaving to go fight in another country. Next time you are on the square snapping pictures, step in front of a car!
The issue here is not "supporting the troops." The issue is obeying traffic laws.
The Patriot Guard group was not in the parade when they were leaving town.
Yes idiot, they were. I was there and watched them go down Dean St. Why werent you in your faggot beetle taking pictures of them breaking traffic laws?
The issue here is you! Leave town and that issue will go away.
Gus, don't let your feelings be hurt...everyone needs to have someone to hate...so you are now taking the Sovient Union's place for these folk not to mention communist China. I trust you have broad shoulders and can handle it well. If they didn't pick on you just think how boring their lives would be. Keep up the good work and keep them happy.
Thanks, Rich.
Actually, I am energized by those who post here. Each does a fine job of displaying his level of intelligence and understanding.
Stay tuned for more fireworks.
Oh you are so right evil doctor Rich. My life is just so boring that I can only keep breathing as long as this site exists. What would I do with my time if Frank just disappeared? No more late night visits to Beverly Gardens for you anymore.
Keep the comments and posts coming you two, I look forward to them.
"Each does a fine job of displaying his level of intelligence and understanding". Coming from the one who takes pictures of trash. You pitch a really good argument.
Have a nice day and may God bless you!
evilgus, it's not the "fun" at WPD that concerns me.
By the way, my DD214 shows Honorable Discharge.
This whole thing is starting to get out of hand. I respectfully suggest that both of you end it here. It is just generating anger and bad feelings and does not seem to be solving anything anymore. Pick a different fight and move on.
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