Beautiful downtown Wasilla, Alaska, whose former mayor rocketed to national prominence this past week.
Perhaps like many, I cannot name the governors of all 50 states. I couldn't name the governors of 10% of them. In fact, I could probably only name two and spell only one, but that's because I've sent so many communications to him to Springfield (that have been ignored).
So today I googled (should that be Googled?) Sarah Palin. You know.... the Governor of Alaska tapped by John McCain as the VP-hopeful.
Mother of five, including a child born in April with Down Syndrome. I add this only because I am fortunate to know persons with Down Syndrome and parents of some of these persons. If she thought she had a full life before, as Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, and as Governor, life changed big-time in April.
So, in my search for "Who is Sarah Palin?" I came across Mudflats blog http://mudflats.wordpress.com/. I encourage you to read it. Read it almost as often as you read The Woodstock Advocate. You'll get a slant on Gov. Palin that you may not find in other news.
My thanks and appreciation to AK Muckraker for the photo from his blog. Was that from the Wasilla Chamber of Commerce?
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