Are you looking for a job? Can't find a job? Still reading the newspaper ads, like you really think you are going to find a job there? (Hint... you're not going to.)
My long-time friends in Denver, Joe and Judy Sabah, wrote a book called How to Get the Job You Really Want - and Get Employers to Call You. And I can tell you, first-hand, that their ideas work.
They sold thousands of copies by being on radio talkshows. And then Joe wrote a manual called How to Get on Radio Talkshows. His manual includes a list of over 700 radio talkshows just looking for guests.
Joe is always asking people, "Are you singing the song that you came to sing?" Well, if you aren't, start doing so. Wasting your life singing someone else's song just isn't worth it.
On NPR this week was a story about Jack Weil, a Denver businessman ("the oldest working CEO) who died at age 107. He was famous for the cowboy shirts that he created. You've seen them - the ones with the pocket flaps and multiple cuff fasteners. His grandson said that the advice his grandfather would give young people starting a career, was, "Love your job. If you don't, change jobs - because nothing's worse than the drudgery of a job you don't like."
That's great advice for anyone, young or old.
Check out Joe and his books on
Algonquin Recognizes Local Businesses
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